[b][u]Market District[/u][/b] “Hut-[i]tut-tut-tut-tut-tut[/i]— keep off!” Hiroshi wildly exclaimed as he quickly retreated away from the armored men. He bruised as easy as a banana, so getting hit by a roaring truck contained in one man was on the bottom of his to-do list. His lack of dexterity saved him from what could’ve been a broken nose as he tripped over his own feet and fell back onto the ground. Hey, a brief smack against the concrete was much more favorable than propelled metal in his opinion. Being saved for a brief moment wasn’t enough to stop him from panicking, though. This big guy was right on top of him now! His mental grip on his tools fell, and so too did they as they harmlessly bounced off the ground. “Aw— Son of a…” he murmured. He made a quick search of his surroundings and opened his hands out to a few rather hefty chunks of concrete left strewn apart by the shockwave. “Go away!” he shouted at the enemy above him as he flung the chunks straight at his head.