[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Joshua Tamashii[/color][/h2] [@Jangel13] [@Amaya Yashia][/center] "[color=ed1c24]Well, that obviously means you pissed someone off. And with your previous attitude towards everything, it was bound to happen sooner or later. To the extant of hiring an assassin to kill you... well, that's also very possible. I would get used to it if I were you, cause it might be a very real possibility. So, welcome to life my friend[/color]." Joshua said, his tone completely nonchalant, as if he didn't care. In fact, it looked like his smile grew slightly bigger. [center][h2][color=f26522]Pyrrha Arvanitas[/color][/h2] [@Oblivion666][/center] Pyrrha frowned as Zephyr activated his God Take-Over. That could be a problem. Glancing around as the entire platform the competition was taking part on got covered in darkness, she only managed to avoid Zephyr's magic blast because the boy was too noisy for his own good. Taking a few more steps, she drew her sword, keeping an eye out for anything. Loki, the trickster god. She had to wonder if she could trust anything now. [center][h2][color=fff200]Amelia Averyonna[/color] and [color=00aeef]Elyse Yashia[/color][/h2] [@Amaya Yashia] [@Caits][/center] "[color=fff200]Bye Luna[/color]!" Amelia said before returning to the stands. She moved over to Jamie's side and sat next to her, focusing on the games so that she could study the people she would be up against. She didn't want to lose if she had to fight again. "[color=00aeef]Mommy? We get ice cream with Jamie[/color]?" Elyse asked her mother, looking a bit upset when her mother didn't reply right away. [center][h2][color=2e3192]Aria[/color][/h2] [@Zarkun][/center] Aria flew through the wall and into the hallway, staying in the pile of rubble around her for a few seconds before getting up and adjusting her headphones. When she was done, she dusted herself off and looked at Jack, making another dagger. "[color=2e3192]Yours and mine[/color]." She said, waiting for Jack's next move, as she was obviously not backing off.