Hawkes took one good look around herself and quickly noted how deep of trouble she was in. Inside the abandoned apartments, now circle around her were those she came to kill. They had been more prepared for the sneak attack. She had planned everything flawlessly, from the apartment she could pick off the targets one by one as they returned to their home. She'd never known them to be clever enough to know how to sneak or even to notice her presence.None the less there they where, all thee of them, cornering her. It was jump off the roof or be eaten, neither option was favorable. As they crept forward the decision became easier to make, there was a balcony a story below, so the fall wouldn't be that bad Hawkes thought reaffirming her action before leaping off the building. The land went exactly as planned with the targets being less inclined to jump. Aiming her gun at the tallest head she lowered her opponents numbers down to two. The crash sent two down after her. It was time to run and then jump the remaining ten feet to the ground. Neither of the two in pursuit hesitated this time in jumping. Hawkes fired a few shots behind herself catching one in the chest, though that only seemed to enrage it. After volting a fence and another three shots and one dropped dead. Hawkes knew the second was as good as dead when the first pursuer dropped. She turned a sharp corner and simply waited. Sure enough it rounded the edge unaware of the fate it was about to meet and received it's dues, swiftly dieing. Finished with what she had started Hawkes holstered her pistol and began the trek back to her car. It would be a long silent drive back to headquarters.