[h2][color=OrangeRed]Dawn Daniels[/color] - Crocus[/h2] [@Lunarlors34] Dawn shook his head at Cody's attempt to help. [color=OrangeRed]"She won't, it's the reason we're here. She don't know to use her magic."[/color] What he didn't mention was that if it came to the point of locating her by her use of magic no one in the district would need Cody's abilities. The last time Dawn hadn't been there for her she'd brought down a sizable section of Clover Town Cathedral. Dawn doubted that she'd hurt herself if her abilities got out of hand but if a lynch mob formed in a city of this size because of her... Dawn didn't want to follow that thought to its conclusion. He'd read about wizards in isolated areas who'd been executed by an angry mob because of there magic. He didn't want to see that happen to his sister. Not really bothering to see if Cody was following Dawn delved deeper into Crocus. She couldn't have gone that far. Then again Elizabeth had always been faster than him and a good climber, even before she'd lost her speech. He couldn't count on the fact that she'd merely wandered down the street. She could have gone anywhere. More to himself than Cody Dawn started to voice his thoughts aloud. [color=OrangeRed]"She mentioned wanting cotton candy. If there's a seller close by she might have gone there."[/color] Or a thousand other places. The twins Papa had always said that Elizabeth had a wandering soul and as long as Dawn had known her it had always been true. She always wanted to go further than they were allowed and beyond what seemed safe. She had lost a lot of things in the years since but that wayward spirit was not one of them. Dawn continued to scour the streets frantically looking for a glimpse of the green cloak his sister had been wearing. He wouldn't let anything happen to her, he couldn't. After everything they'd been through they were all the other had. [h2][color=SkyBlue]Elizabeth Daniels[/color] - Market District[/h2] Crocus was a dazzling city. Elizabeth couldn't help be distracted by everything going on around her, people in colorful clothes coming into the city from exotic places. In some places she could hear music from various instruments played by wandering troubadours and bards trying to earn money for there room and board. It was like a giant carnival. People moving from stall to stall. Shop keepers selling there wares as fast as they could. Performers on every street corner doing one thing or another that drew they eye. Elizabeth paused in front of a firebreather, the sign at his feet declaring that all he arts were performed without the aid of magic. It was impressive the way he played with the fire without burning himself, almost like the two were engaged in some form of dance and the knowledge that there was no magic involved only made the show even more enthralling. It wasn't long however before one thing or another drew Elizabeth's attention and she continued down the street all the while soaking up the atmosphere of the city. She was completely oblivious to how panicked her brother would be at this very moment because she was missing. Elizabeth's ears perked up. A few streets over she could hear loud raucous music played on fiddle and a number of other string instruments. Smiling she flitted through the crowd at an amazing speed arriving at the edge of one of the many many squares that the city possessed. On one side of the square a stage had been erected and a band was playing. Elizabeth didn't know what kind of music city people listened to but it was clear that this particular event had been set up for those coming from rural towns all of Fiore. The music was just like something Elizabeth would have heard at home and around the square a crowd had gathered for at the center around twenty people or so were dancing to the music. Elizabeth stood in awe for a moment tracing the patterns that the dancers made in the ground. After a few moments Elizabeth found that she recognized the dance. She dropped her cloak to the ground along with her bag and grabbed the hands of one of the free boys that was dancing to the music as she joined in. There were few things that Elizabeth enjoyed as much as a country dance. People swinging each other round, trading off partners with the change of the tempo, spinning to the music and stamping there feet with the beat. It always gave the wayward girl a sense of deep contentment. Ten minutes or so later the band went on break and for the moment the dancers broke up. Some going to get water or snacks and some just sitting around the square waiting for the music to resume. Elizabeth looked to were she'd left her things, or more accurately dropped them without a second thought only to discover that her cloak and bag were gone. Elizabeth raced over to the spot confused at there disappearance. "Dear." said a voice from somewhere to Elizabeth's left. She looked up to find an old woman holding her things. The old woman smiled. "You shouldn't leave your possessions out in the open like that, there are crooks everywhere in this world." Elizabeth smiled back at her as she took her stuff back. She fished around in her bag for a moment before pulling out a notepad and writing two words on the page before holding it up for the old woman to see. [color=skyblue]Thank You[/color] If she was surprised at all by Elizabeth's lack of speech she didn't show it. "You are most welcome my dear. I run an inn right around the corner. If you are ever in need don't hesitate to drop by." Elizabeth nodded before curtsying and then walking past the old woman with a wave to continue exploring the city.