[h1]Nidhogg[/h1] Nidhogg frowned, than let out a sigh as he turned his gaze downwards to his chest. "Yeah, this is becoming more trouble than it's worth, I'm just going to do a quick fix and take care of it myself. Will still require money for the more permanent solution, so please don't tell me you're without that as well." As he spoke, he seemed to ignore his cracked ribs as he pushed his arms towards the wound, digging into it with his hands and pulling it apart with sickening cracks and squelches. Soon, one would be able to see into the cavity of his chest, his beating heart which was an unusual black color and gave off a rather rotten smell. Quite a few onlookers would either faint or run off due to this showing of one's inner workings, but Nidhogg payed them little mind. Now that he was able to get a proper few of the damage, he began shifting the bones with his magic, eventually getting them in well enough condition and position that he felt it right enough to be set back into place. With a strenuous push of effort, he'd close the wound over itself, and then cover it with flesh, muscle and sinew until it looked good as new. This show of magic had disturbed many, and most people were trying to escape from the scene. However, one unlucky soul tried to run past the source of the disturbance, and was swiftly caught by him while he was inspecting his rush job on fixing up his torso. "Are you a local to Crocus, and don't lie to me, cause I'll know." Nidhogg's tone, while nonchalant, was filled with a hidden menace that made it very clear to the person he was speaking too that grave danger would come to him if he wasn't a 100% truthful. The man didn't speak, only nodding his head rapidly as he struggle not to wet himself in fear of this monster that had him in it's grasp. "Good, now then, do you know where a butcher's shop is?" Another nod, followed by a point down a nearby alley. "Oh, you'll even show me the way? How very kind of you, and while I hate to insist, I feel it'd be rude to decline the offer. Come one then, lead the way." The man would gulp as he was released, saying nothing as he led the way to the butcher shop, keeping an eye on his captor, who made a sign for Jasmine to follow him as he followed the fearful citizen. As they made their way to the butcher shop, Nidhogg turned to Jasmine with a smile, as he reached out with a hand towards her in greeting. "I'm sorry, I've been a bit rude and forgot to introduce myself. The name's Jackson, Jackson DuCarthy, though you can just call me Jack if you prefer. If you'd be so kind as to tell me your name and what your story for being in Crocus is, then it'd make the walk go by that much faster. Oh, and I do apologize for that nasty bit of business, but seeing as how it would probably take some time to get to the Butcher, I felt the need to get my body back in order was much needed, less I started to break other parts that are less easily fixed, such as my lungs. Always an annoying bit of organic machinery, the lungs, so fragile and delicate, yet needed for so much. Dreadfully annoying, to say the least." [@Lunarlors34]