[sub]Collab with [@Snagglepuss89] and [@lovely complex][/sub] The question had meant absolutely nothing to Elliot, but apparently Riley had a different opinion on the matter. As the twin began making phone calls Elliot felt his stomach sink. Riley was clearly pissed, and apparently his siblings were playing hookie. Not that he approved of hookie of course, but he didn't think it warranted this kind of reaction. If Riley blew up on Olivia... [i][color=00FFBF]I should have just stayed away, I'm making things worse for everyone.[/color][/i] He blinked away the mist forming in his eyes. Riley would end up bitching out Olivia and she would hate Elliot too. The thought of little Ollie mad at him pierced him almost as much as Sophi. Did he really expect to make anyone happy by waltzing into town after all this time? Or was he just selfish, and focused on his own fantasy of being needed? He closed his eyes and rested his head against the window as he thought. The lease for the apartment had already been signed. He loathed the idea of breaking it, but it was looking increasingly necessary as the day went on. He needed to get himself out of these peoples' lives. And quickly. His ears picked up the buzz of Riley's phone receiving a text, and he opened his eyes in time to see the mall coming into view. Maybe he could split up here, before the twin managed to catch up with his younger sibling. Elliot preferred not having to see the look on her face when she realized it was him that had given her up. After the two got out the car, Riley looked at his friend exiting and his anger calmed. He couldn't help but have sporadic emotions, with a family like his... a heart attack on a daily basis was normal and to be expected. Approaching Elliot, not realizing his phone got another text, the twin gave a sudden and abrupt hug to a man he still thought to be his "brother". Elliot may be one of the few people, or maybe even only person, that Riley could show any sort of sad...locked up feelings... to. More so than any of his siblings, his best friend, even his twin. His girlfriend had yet to find out any of his skeletons in the closet. He didn't want to worry people or show what he truly had in mind, but today was such an odd day. And the person he was with was someone he felt could help, even with his own problems. With a low voice, and a drained stare at the empty space in front of him, Riley muttered, [color=seagreen]"I'm really glad you're back..."[/color] He paused and let that sink in Elliot's mind. The embrace was long and warm, and fortunately for Riley... Elliot didn't move. Pulling away, Riley's face had a weak smile, not something he usually revealed to many people, if anyone at all, [color=seagreen]"Sophi and I... we were so close to dad, you know?"[/color] His hands clenched at the thought of his parents dying and the chaos that followed after, [color=seagreen]"Don't get me wrong, I worry about all my siblings... but Sophi..."[/color] He stared at the ground, not being able to meet his blue eyes with Elliot's stare, [color=seagreen]"I feel like she's like me... at least when it comes to...'feeling'..."[/color] He breathed in and breathed out, he wasn't going to cry, that was one thing, he could never do, [color=seagreen]"And that's what worries me."[/color] He brought his gaze back to his old friend, his eyes had hope that Elliot wouldn't disappear again. That Elliot would join the chaos and make Sophi smile again. The twin knew he had a lot of hope and expectations but... it just felt like his family was drowning right now and he didn't know what to do about it. He waited for a response and then shook the sadness off, [color=seagreen]"Alright, time for me to ask Tara for help. Want to come or stay here? You can have my keys if you want to sit in the car and listen to music."[/color] Was it really not even noon yet? This family was giving him the full range of emotion in an extremely short timespan. The thought of leaving hadn't left his mind yet, but having Riley open up to him like he was... Elliot couldn't help but admit that it was less appealing. Sometime they would have to sit and chat about the elder Reeses, but at the moment there wasn't time for that. He had never been open about himself to anyone but Sophi, always keeping a more reserved appearance around the younger siblings. A blend between father brother and friend. So he threw his emotions into the back of his mind and ruffled the twin's hair like he often did when Riley was younger. "[color=00FFBF]All right, we'll look. Don't cause a scene in public though, or I'll scold you with the others later.[/color]" His smirk challenged Riley to even dare say he was kidding before he straight his back and tapped his cane on the ground. Maybe if he pretended to be in control of the situation it would come naturally. Surely the chaos of this unbelievable morning couldn't continue for much longer. Elliot intended to see an end to the absurdity or die trying. He expected to die trying. [color=seagreen]"No promises."[/color] The twin countered, knowing very well that his emotions could bounce back up at any minute... because that's what his sister's did to him. They marched into the mall and as they walked, they passed a happy family, a young father, his wife, and his child ([@Themerlinhawk]). Seeing the family made Rye think about his sisters even more, perhaps he should call one of them again? He touched his pant's pocket and then took out his cellular device. Looking at his phone, he saw that he had one new message. [center][b]FROM: [/b]Ollie [color=A9D0F5][i]“Sorry. I’m really sorry. Don’t tell Kylie or Zoey that I told you, but we are at the mall. Ok? Please come find us, I’m not having fun anymore. & please don’t be mad!” [/i][/color][/center] Rather than anger, Riley was relieved. His baby sister trusted him enough to ruin Kylie's plan. [color=seagreen]"Well, I'll be damned Elliot. The search might be easier than I expected. They're here somewhere."[/color] At this point, he wasn't going to give Kylie the chance to run away. He debated: Text Tara and look for his sisters... or find Tara first? He decided to find his Taramisu so that they all could think of a fast plan to find three young, Reese girls. Entering the food court, walking to the other side to get closer to the fountain, Riley couldn't help but notice the nice ladies that were out this lovely morning. From a distance, he saw three... revealing girls... he couldn't help but break into his inner pervert. [color=Seagreen]"DUDE, El! So many hot chicks on display. That one has a nice rack ([@BilboTheGreat]), that red head I'd probs have some cute ass babies with ([@Viciousmarrow]), and don't even get me started with the smaller one! She has yet to grow into some fine, piece of meat ([@Emma])."[/color] They were way too far for him to notice the distinct features of the girls and Riley would never believe his sisters were dressed so scandalously. Reaching the fountain, Riley waved at his best friend ([@Knight of Doom]). [color=Seagreen]“Hey babe, I'd love to stay and chat but I have three sisters running around in this mall, when two should be in school and the other... is just a bad influence. Wanna help?"[/color]