[center][color=green][h1]Diana[/h1][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pWQ1Wc7.gif[/img][/center] A quick scan of the battlefield. Most of the bandits were dead, the captive had been freed, albeit with a bloody wound, but nothing the healer couldn't fix. These bandits hadn't been so tough after all, they must've taken the other squad by surprise. Unforunate, but it meant her own chances of being selected for the royal guard were better. The only remaining threat was the wyvern, rider, and bandit plummeting downwards. Diana ran forward towards the base of the cliff they descended from, led by the twinkling kunai of Pauline, below the wyvern. Perhaps the bandit would die. Perhaps not, better to be there with a spear ready for him than risk him living and causing more damage. After all she'd only gotten to kill one person today and that didn't feel like enough. She had to prove she was contributing!