[color=SeaGreen][center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Other%20-%20Heroes%20Reborn%20RP%20-%20Characters/Dean%20Mitchell%20-%20Gif%2003_zpsc9wbrqwy.gif[/img] [h1]Dean Mitchell[/h1] [h2]Noah's Motel ~ Anaheim, California[/h2][/center][/color] [color=Gold][i]”I hope this is important you just made me miss the eight ball!”[/i][/color] [color=SeaGreen]Jumping slightly as the sound of his friends loud and rather angered voice came through the receiver, Dean quickly pulled the phone back from his ear, clearly able to hear Ray’s dulcet tones as he ranted on the other end about his interrupting the obvious win that he was clearly supposed to have- since when the name of hell did he have a pool table anyway..? Shaking his head for a moment as though it was going to help get the thought out of his mind, he once again placed the phone up to his ear, a slightly weary though still amused expression playing over his features as he finally began to speak; his Australian accent clear as he did, the young man not really having expected for his friend to answer the phone in the first place. “Ray; mate, you gotta relax... it’s just me, Dean- anyway look; the reason I called is cause Erin and I got ourselves into some trouble. Long ass story; but the short version is, we’re no longer at the park, and we aren’t allowed back to yours til the heat dies down.” Shifting awkwardly where he sat on the bed, he raised his hand up to rub roughly at the back of his neck, his eyes closing as he huffed out a tired and defeated sigh, “I don’t know where we are, but some guy named Bennet helped us out and is keeping us hidden til we can meet up with you again- just letting you guys know that we’re both alright... she’s a bit shaken up; she’s just getting some fresh air at the moment, but you know that I’ll keep an eye on her...” Pausing for another moment so that he could turn his head, Dean sat himself up a little straighter and craned his neck slightly so that he could glance out the window, his gaze resting on Erin’s figure sitting alone by the motels pool for a few moments before he turned his attention back to the conversation that he was having, “..I gotta go man... I’m getting a look that says I’ve been talking for too long already... I’ll call you again whenever I get the chance next...” [/color]