[@Song Book] [color=f49ac2]"Thank you, But be prepared to say goodbye to you're liver" Aubrey reached under the counter and pulled out a bottle filled with an odd looking liquid. the liquid seemed to change color every time one blinked. "This" Aubrey said pointing to the bottle "Is 'The Planet' no one has been able to finish a single shot glass of this. Cash was able to take a second drop and that was about the time i began to doubt that he's human. but aside from him no-one has manged to do that because the moment a drop touched their tongue they became black-out drunk. Don't worry the doc has an extra liver in case you're breaks down" Aubrey left the bottle with Jet and began making Ixonia's owner "Next time give me a challenge" he said as he gathered the ingredients and prepared Ixonia's order, while he wasn't as flashy as Snarfulblast with mixing drink, Aubrey still was pretty good at preparing drinks "Order UP"[/color] [@Aisling]