[i]Selessia..[/i] she repeated in her head. She frowned slightly as she fully picked up that the woman didn't want to talk to her. Fair enough. Arda quietly retrieved her drink from Klaus, not really staying to pay attention to whatever he had to say. It wasn't that she didn't care, it's just that she felt too out of place to stick around. She hadn't even finished her drink before she decided to go take a quick bath, washing the dirt and sand that still clung a little to her hair and body. She even took the time to carefully take off and clean her clothing of the caked dirt. As she put her clothes back on, she activated her heat crystals to dry them faster. She made sure that she had her iron needles in the right spots so that they didn't tear her clothing apart when she used them.. The pale Cauhri fiddled with one of the needles in thought. [i]When will I get to use these though? Probably soon.[/i] She wasn't wrong. Not that she knew anyway. It wasn't very long before Arda had returned to the meeting area, or rather the lobby of the tavern. She figured that nobody really wanted to talk to her, given the kind of attitude the other girl had toward her. She wasn't all that tired, the night still felt a little.. young as they say. So she decided to take a seat at a table a little away from the others, it was a little bit darker there because the candle light didn't spread so far. There was an odd vibe about tonight. Trouble? A challenge perhaps? Maybe Arbos had planned something for them. Surely nothing too crazy would happen, right?