[center][color=6ecff6][sub][h2]Azi Lukotta[/h2][/sub][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/hGGZnQ4.gif[/img][/center] Azi watched the duels intently, wanting to help, but knowing that doing so would likely cause trouble. Following Mikhail's fight, the lancer caught his attention by tapping his weapon on the ground. Simply from the tone of his question, Azi could tell that the man doubted whether he actually had the ability to fight. [color=6ecff6]"If necessary, I can,"[/color] he replied, putting on a gentle smile. [color=6ecff6]"I do prefer to avoid killing, though."[/color] Azi took a stance, holding his quarterstaff at waist-level. He kept his grip much shorter than normal, but that style was well-tuned for precision and made it easier for him to disarm his opponents. [color=6ecff6]"Pardon me,"[/color] he said as he dashed in. Azi figured that, if he ran in, the lancer would be surprised and attack. However, since it would be sudden, his opponent's attack would be predictable and easy to counter. From there, if he succeeded, he would be able to disarm him, or at least dodge and knock him down by hitting the back of his knee. [i][color=6ecff6]"It'd still be much easier if he didn't react,"[/color][/i] Azi thought to himself as he closed in.