[center][color=A9A9A9][h1][b]Aya Kagamine[/b][/h1] [/color][/center][hr][hr][u][b]Port District[/b][/u] [b]“Stupid heroes, this is [i]not[/i] over! I’ll definitely be back![/b]” [color=A9A9A9][b]"Damn it, he's getting away! Hey, robot chic, where'd you head off to?"[/b][/color] Aya scrambled to her feet, searching the wrecked port for the mecha genderbend Goku that had literally saved everyone's asses. She was also on the lookout for that blue haired runt and his minion machines, but finding the girl who had promised to make her ramen was her first priority. If that would make her lose her job then at least she would get a bowl of ramen as a [s]fuck you and your useless spray paints[/s] send off gift. [color=A9A9A9][b] "C'mon, it's hard enough to find Val hiding behind these boxes, I don't need you joining in the act either!"[/b][/color] Then, once Aya reached the edge of the port where the poorly painted submarine had been, she saw Ms Mecha Goku sprawled out on the floor. In a slightly confused panic, the woman rushed over and knelt beside the knocked out girl. [color=A9A9A9][b]"He-Hey, you all right there?"[/b][/color] she asked, eyes wide with shock. She continued to shake the girl in a rather violent manner. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. Well, two ideas. The first idea was to do what any other person who had no knowledge whatsoever on fucking battle robots would do. Beat the hell out of it. [color=A9A9A9][b]"Uh, are you awake yet? Is your circuit fried or something?"[/b][/color] Aya questioned, literally punching the robot in hopes that it would spark to life again. Shake, slap, punch, repeat. Hey, that actually sounded like her mother's morning routine when Aya wouldn't get up for school. A few hits and sore fingers later, the girl still lay dead still in front of her. Her second idea, and probably the most sensible, would be to use some of the paint from her yellow can to electrify the girl back to life. That's how they did it in those hospital based movies, right? [color=A9A9A9][b]"Well, this better work…"[/b][/color] Grabbing a yellow can from her bag, Aya began to spray. The woman immediately regretted it. Instead of seeing the robot spark back to life, the woman saw a yellow splodge on its cute little face. This probably wasn't the right yellow can. [color=A9A9A9][b]"This isn't the right yellow can."[/b][/color] Standing up, a colourful flurry of swear words summoned up a storm in Aya's mouth. This was obviously an extremely expensive robot, and she had just sprayed on it with unremovable spray paint. Well, it was removable with a lot of soap, water and time, but the fact that it was on the most noticeable part of the body made her rage. It was either Aya dragged the robot back to her apartment to wash the paint off or be accused for vandalism by whoever made this extremely convincing robot. Lifting the robot onto her back, Aya staggered back to her apartment. The only thing she was hoping for is for the robot girl to finally wake the hell up. [@VitaVitaAR]