In any combat situation he knew that things rarely worked out how one wanted them too. One of the key aspects to being a good fighter was learning how to adapt to the situation as it unfolded. With this in mind he didn't know what Uzuki was going to do but he knew that she wasn't simply going to run herself onto the end of his spear, that's not something that a normal person would do. The fact that she considered such a thing was lost on him and showed him how wrong he actually was about his opponent. But the method that Uzuki chose to use to deal with the spear worked more to Sky's benefit than to her own and that was for two different reasons. For one Sky was a master at manipulating his energy and using it from various sources, like his body and his weapon, in a much similar way to Uzuki. The other is that his spear wasn't a normal spear, it had the blades on the sides that flanked the weapon and made it look more like a trident. The first that happened occurred when the spear itself collided with the black Saya that she used to protect herself. The energy within the spear struck out, passing through physical obstacles much like a ghost would. At the close proximity and the fact that she had ran with full momentum into his spear avoiding it may be tricky. But the goal was for the spectral image of his spear to pierce straight through into her body and pass right through, doing damage along the way. He had been told that he couldn't kill a fellow SRI, nor would he want too. So he aimed to damage and weaken the spirit/soul of his opponent and force her to experience fatigue and exhaustion as her spirit took the damage. The equivalent would have been taking a physical spear straight through the chest. The pain would be associated with the strike, she just wouldn't take any physical damage. If she had tried to continue with closing the distance by using her Saya as a barrier between his spear and herself she'd find that her action would be stopped with a simple turn of the shaft. Whether she tried to slide down the inside of the spear or the outside of it one of the two flanking smaller, curved, points would catch her Saya and prevent it from going any further. It'd be like trying to pass a butter knife through the prongs of a fork, physical objects didn't move through physical objects. At least without tremendous effort. Should things play out to this point she'd find drawing the gun might be harder than she originally planned. Since her own motions would lock her within the prongs of his spear he'd have sufficient leverage to put against her as she started to draw. He'd angle his spear down and to his left while stepping to his right. This served two purposes. Her left arm and Saya would be angled down toward the weapon she was drawing, trying to put the limb between himself and the weapons barrel or serve to interrupt the draw by pushing the left arm into the right as it tried to pull the weapon free of its holster. Stepping to his right also circled him out of the line of sight of the weapons barrel just in case she was able to still draw and fire. This put his circling out and around to her left, with the spear still between himself and her it'd make it more of a hindrance for her to turn fully and follow him with her weapon. This hopefully keeping him clear of the line of fire, which caused her rounds to destroy the trunks of trees some distance behind him.