[@Emma][@Viciousmarrow][@lovely complex][@The Muse] As class droned on, James felt his phone vibrate four different times. Well four of the five responded... When James was only expecting three texts... Was something seriously wrong? He got up and slipped out the classroom door at the back of the room so he could check without being rude. Closing the door softly behind him, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. The first text he saw, the most recently received was Kylie's, and he just shook his head, as it was a normal Kylie text. [i]’i got fired cuz im 2 sexy 4 work. lol. smoke weed every day, ho.’[/i] James quickly typed up a response, [color=FF3030] 'You know I'm fine with that, just not in the diner, and keep it in your room at the house. And unless you being fired came from Sophia it doesn't count. Riley doesn't have that kind of authority at the Diner. And I will be asking Sophia about this later.' [/color] James hit send. The next text that he pulled up was Riley's, and he began walking in the hallway to get blood flowing through his veins. "[color=seagreen][i]Elliot is back in town, the diner ended up way understaffed. Closed shop early today.[/i][/color]" James stopped in his tracks. Elliot was back? The guy who broke Sophi's heart was back. The same Elliot that was just like another brother to him, a big brother to all the other younger siblings? If Riley was aware, Sophia was probably aware. He also noticed that Riley mentioned they were very understaffed and closed up early. James scowled as he typed up a response, mostly because of the Elliot information. [color=FF3030] 'Did Sophi get in a good hit? If not, I certainly will for what he did to her. And thanks for letting me know that the diner's closed for the day. We all could use a break, and we both need to catch up on the sleep. I'm going to head to the house and get some rest after class, let me know if you need me. Ok?' [/color] James scanned the text over, and hoping he would get an acceptable answer for his first question, he hit send, before flipping through to Sophia's message. James almost laughed as he saw Sophi's text, given he had just gotten the answer to it just moments ago. “[i]We’re taking the day off. Didn’t go well. You’ll never guess who’s back from the dead.[/i]” So he would at least attempt to play the part that was all too easily given to him. The psychic who knew things before they could possibly be known. In the end he decided against it. [color=FF3030] 'I'm going to guess that it is one Elliot Longstreet, whose ass we both want to kick. Riley told me. He also told me that we're closed for the day, can you elaborate? I'm not complaining, I just want to know why. I'm going to be at home after school since we're closed, and try to catch up on sleep if you need me.' [/color] Jame typed up for his older sister, tapping send as soon as he finished, which left him with Olivia's text. [color=A9D0F5][i]'School is stupid. I think maybe I should drop out and be more like Kylie. *poo emoji* '[/i][/color] James all but felt his heart break as he saw this. He knew their parents death had been hard on Olivia, but did it just exacerbate something that was already there. He knew what depression was like, and his siblings saw what it did to him, and he remembered thinking something along the lines of what Olivia just sent him. He felt a tear in the corner of his eye as he typed up, [color=FF3030] 'Remember about five, maybe six years back when I was going through that rough patch and I was doing poorly in school and stopped doing... Almost everything? It wasn't pretty and I know that, but I got through it, and I know you can too. I know things have been hard lately, but understand you have all of us here for you. We all love you very much, and I want you to understand that.' [/color] As he finished up the text and hit send, he wiped a tear from his eye and re-entered the classroom.