[CENTER][H1][U]Dawn of the Ancient Era[/u][/h1][/center] [center][IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/sfw6mg.png[/IMG][/center] [i] ...with the emergence of the Promethean Plague, came the dawn of the Ancient Era, otherwise known as the Miracle of Progress, that saw a multitude of races - who once competed with the Prometheans, or were otherwise enslaved - taking on their own forms at an astonishing rate. During the Age of the Promethean, the known world had been vastly impacted by the triumphal rise of the Promethean race. Their warlike nature, wedded with their knack for innovation and their ability to integrate the technology of other cultures through slavery, had allowed them to establish the earliest known Empire. For centuries, they cultivated bronze, built large cities, invented a series of written languages and even engaged in advanced seafaring practices. However, by the Dawn of the Ancient Era, the Promethean Plague had laid waste to this once vast Empire. The plague itself was mysterious in nature, only targeting the species' female population, and carried with it a 90% fatality rate. Their population tumbled, and with it, their territory and international influence. The Prometheans were ultimately defeated by nature, as opposed to the rebellions of their former slave-states, and over the span of a hundred years, they retreated to their ancestral heartlands. In a mere century, the world's rulers had become vulnerable to every foreign entity, and the stage for their extinction was set. It was only a matter of time though, in thanks to the Promethean Plague - rather than the weapons of foreigners - that they would be driven from the world, one way or the other. Without the brutal rule of the Prometheans to either threaten or suppress them, various races across the continent exploded into an age of rapid progress - known as the Ancient Era - that saw their territorial, technological and cultural bounds reach new heights in a relatively short time span. A new world order was arising, but only time would tell who would come out as the new Prometheans, and who would join them in their eternal slumber.[/i] [hr] [center][h1][u]Anceint Era - What You Need To Know[/u][/h1][/center] The Ancient Era covers the initial rise of our nations, from former slave states and single-city communities who lived under direct or indirect competition with the Prometheans, to fully functioning nations. Now that the Prometheans have been dealt a near-fatal blow from mother nature, a power vacuum has been left on the continent. For the first time in centuries, former slave-states and the free cities are free to enrich themselves in an era where their every move isn't threatened by the titanic might of a foreign power. Some of these entities have only just emerged from a Stone Age, others are well encroached in a Bronze Age - and few have begun to enter an Iron Age. This first Evolution Phase takes us from our nations' meagre beginnings, into the Late Ancient Era - a time where iron is being used enmass, where mathematics have established a firm foothold, where religion has either risen to extreme heights or been cast down, where giant galleys have started to prowl the seas, and where agricultural revolutions have allowed for greater productivity. [b]Things Specifically Disallowed During This Age:[/b] [list][*]Colonisation (Stick to the circle) [*]Wide-spread use of gunpowder [*]Wide-spread use of anything tougher than iron. [*]Significant worldly inventions that occurred after 400 A.D[/list] [hr] [center][h1][u]First Century[/u][/h1][/center] No turn order in play, due to amount of players and time concerns. 1. Frengo - Complete 2. neogreggory - Complete 3. Sigma - Complete 4. ClocktowerEchos - Complete 5. TheSovereignGrave - Complete 6. ZB1996 7. Shorticus - Complete 8. Epicberet 9. SavOrhchid - Complete