[color=Moccasin][center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Other%20-%20Heroes%20Reborn%20RP%20-%20Characters/Isabella%20Franccedilais%20-%20Gif%2003_zpsiptjirco.gif[/img] [h1]Isabella Français[/h1] [h2]Eastwood Evo Academy ~ LA, California[/h2][/center] It happened again... Cleo was going to kill her- not to mention she was going to be late for the tournament now that her power to jump had sent her back to who knew when... now she just had to figure out where she was, not to mention what year it actually was. Stumbling slightly as her feet hit the ground, Isabella quickly once again lifted her head up to look about her person- the hallway was long, and apart from the doors leading off of it, was lined with things such as lockers, notice boards and what she could only assume were trophy cabinets on both sides. She was in a school... she could work with that; she’d been in schools before, not for a long time, but it was the type of environment that she had always been comfortable in. Now she just had to figure out what school she was in, and what year it was. Taking a moment to process the situation she had unintentionally landed herself in, she reached both of her hands down to take a hold of the front of her [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a7/fb/29/a7fb299dee47bee60c39ff6ead4e99f4.jpg]large medieval-type ball gown[/url], lifting it only slightly up from the ground so as not to step on it as she moved herself forward, her bright blue eyes flicking about to scan over the contents of the nearest trophy cabinet for clues before eventually, her attention settled upon one of the frames held within, the photo of one of the schools clubs catching her eye and finally managing to give her the answer that she had been seeking: Eastwood Evo Academy, athletics carnival winners 2012. So that’s where she was... an evo academy... and she had at least made it back to the right time, so that was a good thing at least. Shaking her head lightly from side to side in slight annoyance with herself, she took a couple of steps back from the glass, her shoulders slumping forward ever so slightly as the grip she had over the material of her dress tightened, the thought of what actually awaited her back in Camelot causing her stomach to churn nervously- she was going to be in so much trouble when she got back... Cleo was going to go through her like a ton of bricks for ditching her in medieval times, Arthur was going to be so worried once he found out that she was missing; and Lancelot... she didn’t want to think of the disappointment and heartache he would feel if he come to learn that she had gone and left without so much as a goodbye... the very thought caused pain to shoot through her heart, and for her knees to feel weak underneath her... “I-... I need to go back... I have to get back to them now...” She had to get back- get back to [i]him[/i]. She saw no other option... she wanted there to be no other option. Not if it meant she had a chance at being happy with the man that she loved. Once again lifting the front of her dress up so that it was no longer resting upon the ground, Isabella turned on her heel and began to hurry down the hall, her long and dark gentle curls bouncing lightly over her back with every step that she took, her feet carrying her down the hallway to where she could see daylight streaming in through the doors at the far end- she needed to get out of the restricting halls... needed fresh air, and a moment to compose herself before working her concentration to get her back to where it was she was actually supposed to be, “..wait for me, Lancelot...” “Hey you..! No running in the halls..!” Caught by surprise at the sudden words being yelled out in her direction, Belle turned her head so that she was able to look back over her shoulder, the material of her dress slipping from her relaxing grip as her eyes came to a stop on the figure of someone she could only believe was a teacher, his stern look giving her the warning he believed was going to work on her before he disappeared back into the classroom he had come from- it had all happened so fast... the moment that she had let go of the front of her dress, it had fallen back down to the ground, and in turn, right into the path she had been taking; her feet catching on the heavy material and her lips parting from one another in slight panic as she felt herself falling forward and into two figures who had been occupying the hall, her vibrant blue eyes shutting tightly and the thought of where it was she wanted to go flickering across her mind before she was gone. Vanished into thin air, and leaving the hall once more in the state she had first found it. [/color]