[center][b][u]Port District to Aya's Apartment[/u][/b][/center] It wasn't precisely a full shutdown, but firing off a powerful cannon like that had, well... it wore Kiko out. On another day, perhaps, it wouldn't have been nearly as big a deal, but today was only a day before her standard checkup and recharge session. She wasn't running on empty, but using an extremely power-consuming weapon had probably not been the most clever of ideas. And so, to explain it in simple terms, the blonde robot girl was out like a light as the other hero varying slapped her around to try and awaken her and then sprayed her with paint right on her face. And then picked her up. Kiko was thankfully made out of a lightweight alloy, but this didn't mean she wasn't heavier then she looked. Still, probably much more manageable then if she had been made of something else. This still meant that the trip back to Aya's apartment was a somewhat slower one then one might originally think. Kiko did not wake up. Well, at least not until the pair stepped through the doorway of Aya's apartment. Kiko's systems, now finished recovering from her decision to fire off such a powerful weapon at low enough power that she had to "nap" for a bit to conserve energy, jolted her main AI awake. The girl opened one green eye, rubbing it. Even being groggy after sleep was part of her programming. "Mnnh...?" she blinked several times, "... Wait... this isn't the institute..."