[@Joshua Tamashii] [color=8882be][h2]Zephyr Hardt[/h2][/color] He smiled when she dodged his attack and he rose back to the surface. [color=8882be]"I really should be silent huh? Yet no snarky remark for that? Here I was thinking that was part of your charm to be snarky. Oh well I'll take this a bit more seriously."[/color] He stated before forming a rather large orb about two feet big and threw it into the air above her. Yet then rushed at her pointing his palms at her, yet instead of an attack this circular black object formed around his height and he vanished into it. He would reappear above the orb he threw earlier and would jab his fingers in it. He had to hold back on shouting the name and just exploded the ball into a energy bullet hell that would rain down on her. Yet because Zephyr was becoming to distracted with the fight, he wasn't realizing his time limit was dropping before he lost control.