Nathan had made his way to his own class after walking James to his. He continued whistling the tune he was whistling on the bus and his steps felt a bit bouncier and lighter than usual. Despite what he assumed was Ami's lack of interest in him, he wouldn't mind just being friends with her. She was cute and having a cute girl around wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Maybe he could try setting her up with James. Then she could introduce Nathan to her other cute friends and they could double date. That would be nice. But James had made it pretty clear that he was not willing to play the field, which Nathan never really understood. Nathan reached his class and was just barely on time. He took his seat in the back of the room and waited excitedly for his professor to collect their reports. He had already pulled out his paper, which was neatly arranged in his folder, and placed it on his desk. [color=firebrick][i]"Perfect."[/i][/color] Finally the moment he has been looking forward to all morning: [color=gray]"Everyone turn in your report on my desk,"[/color] the old English professor said in a clear voice. The professor looked to be about in his seventies and was wearing the stereotypical professor blazer look. He has been teaching for a long, long time but enjoyed it. Though some students were definitely worse than the others. One in particular... [color=firebrick]"Here ya go, Prof. B,"[/color] Nathan said with a smile as he placed his report on the desk. He made sure he was the last one to turn it in, just so he could [s]brag[/s] talk to the professor. [color=gray]"I prefer to be called Professor Bannister,"[/color] the professor sighed, though he knew it wasn't worth the effort. [color=gray]"And do my eyes deceive me? You have actually turned the assignment on time, Mr. Carr? Without a single request for an extension?"[/color] [color=firebrick]"I think it's one of my best works too. Hoping it'll be enough to pull my grades up to a B."[/color] [color=gray]"I suppose we'll see about that. Now hurry up and take your seat. If you want to talk, wait until after class or during my office hours."[/color] Nathan nodded and saluted the professor. [color=firebrick]"Yessir."[/color] Then he went back to his seat. Soon after, the professor began to officially start the lecture. While he was a good teacher, Nathan wasn't paying attention to his class. It was just like every other upper level English class. They read. They analyze. They discuss. They write. It was the same thing over and over again. That was probably why he put off finishing his English class for his GE's for this long. There were just a lot more interesting things to learn. He was thinking of pulling out his phone to text his friends, when he realized that he never got Ami's number. [color=firebrick][i]"Damn it. Oh well, it's a small school, I'll probably see her again... hopefully."[/i][/color]