Eliza sat, pencil tapping, eyes attentively trained on her teacher, in her class. On the page of her open notebook was mostly doodled images squished between the few scribbled descriptions of important bits of information. She could tell most of the other students around her were in the process of listening to music or passing notes. Eliza was one of the select few who at least paid the teacher some heed, albeit she was lost in her thoughts most of the time. Occasionally, Eliza fidgeted with her pocket, as if securing an item inside. It wasn't long before the loud ring of the school bell echoed within the classroom. Eliza gave a soft [i]Hmm[/i] in thought as she stood to head to her next class. She had quite a bit of time to spare as her next class was very close by, but it seemed her usual companion, Zoey, was absent from the halls in which Eliza would normally bother her, so Eliza headed straight to her next class. Of course, many of the passers by knew Eliza, so there were numerous exchanges of waves, nods, and hugs. Eliza had always seemed almost child-like to her classmates, and she never really acted like the mature high school student many others attempted to be like. English was her next class, and it had always been easy for Eliza, albeit the teacher was a bit uptight and didn't really deal with any of her shenanigans. She found herself a seat next to the windows, but still up in the front by the teacher's desk where she dropped her bag next to the chair. With a smirk upon her face, Eliza withdrew the crisp paper that her English teacher had assigned yesterday. It was, of course, covered in little doodles she had created when she got distracted from the writing at hand. She happily placed the sheet on the teacher's desk, which was soon the target of a pile of other student's papers. Eliza skidded back to her desk, sliding into the seat and gently tapping her notebook as she withdrew another shared sheet of drawings. With that now out, Eliza held up a few different colors of pens just above her desk, carefully deciding which color to pick. It was only seconds later that she felt an impact upon her desk, the sheet of paper she had just taken out gently floating to the floor. Eliza looked up to meet the eyes of a boy she had seen around, but never got around to meeting. She offered him a smile, seemingly ignoring the slight laughter of the classmates around her. [color=Mediumorchid]"Oh, Hi!"[/color] She was cheery in her speech, but for some reason, the boy seemed rather put off by the event. Eliza watched with a perplexed look as he turned in the slightly wrinkled sheet and sat himself in the back, without anyone around him. [i]That's not fun.[/i] Eliza scooped up her bag and her notebook and merrily made her way to the back, seating herself next to him. She offered him a quick wave as she placed her bag and notebook back down. [@The Muse]