[center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [color=teal][b]Genetic Compatibility:[/b][/color] Soun'yei's are genetically compatible with all races. However, naturally, they struggle to have healthy offspring. It is believed that interspecies couplings will have even lower chances of healthy children. [color=teal][b]Physical Characteristics of Males:[/b][/color] The males of this aquatic species are more muscular than their female counterparts. They have single row of sharp teeth, gills on the side of their necks and very large eyes that are great for seeing underwater but not for seeing above land. Both species have tails and fins on their arms for swimming, however the males have dark colored scales. Male Soun'yei's allow for their hair to grow long, braiding it in various styles. Because they are more muscular, males are slower than their female counterparts. They are built for brute strength, rather than precision. [color=teal][b]Physical Characteristics of Females:[/b][/color] The female Soun'yei tends to be smaller in size with the same basic attributes as males; gills, tails, fins. The differences begin with their hair. Females--especially females with young, keep their hair short. They sleep close to their children and the idea of long hair getting tangled around a infants neck is the motivation behind these short haircuts. Females have 2 rows of teeth rather than one, both extremely sharp and both retractable. Females are built for precision and speed to keep their children safe and far away from predators. [color=teal][b]Life-Span:[/b][/color] On average, a Soun'yei enters it's prime at about 150 years of age. The middle years begin around 250, and old age begins at 300. [color=teal][b]Diet:[/b][/color] Omnivores. [color=teal][b]Racial Attributes:[/b][/color] The Soun'yei can only breathe on land for a short period of time before returning to sea. Above sea level they often use echolocation to combat their poor eyesight. Beneath the sea, they use echolocation primarily when hunting or traveling long distance. This species is very sensitive to the temperature of their water. Drastic changes can be life threatening. The Soun'yei also have disposable teeth. Lose a tooth, another will grow in it's place. Always--with the exception of milk teeth. [color=teal][b]Age:[/b][/color] Hm. Well, I suppose that the Soun'yei have been around for at least 50,000-55,000 years. They've been developing cities for 8,000 years. [center][img][/img][/center] [hider=Le Map] [img]http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w627/rose0621/MAP_zpsr8zzhwrc.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Flag:[/b] TEAL/BLUE/ORANGE WID A CRESCENTMOON ON IT [b]Name of City:[/b] The King resides in the west with the Omnivore Clan, the city is called Bas. [b]Population:[/b] 18,000 [b]Males:[/b] 9,000 [b]Females:[/b] 8,000 [b]Half-Races:[/b] 1,000 [b]Known For:[/b] The City of Bas is known for the residence of the Ruling Family and their religious beliefs. They're also rather pretty to look at. Industrial. They'll work hard to produce what they can, from Jewelry to weapons. [b]Culture:[/b] The culture of this species tends to be the same despite their separation. Women come first in all things--food and shelter primarily. Children too. Education is uniform across the board, nothing based on gender. There are laws set in place by the king, and generally backed by religion. Often, the king, and religion clash. Crime isn't as prevalent given that all the clans are prospering, however child stealers--if caught, will be put to death. [b]Religion Overview:[/b] The Soun'yei's pray to the moon--given that they've figured out it's relation to the tides. Some radicals pray to the sun but not many. [b] Government Type:[/b] Monarchy [b]Calendar: [/b]Promethean