[h3][center]0-100 A.E. The Beginning[/center][/h3] [center][i] As found written upon the first walls of Scale Home[/i][/center] With the Prometheans gone, we Kobolds were aimless, without purpose or meaning. Most of us returned to digging, slowly clearing the collapsed tunnels. Some of our kin left, without masters they decided to journey southward. It was not until the coming of Mata that we found purpose. In the year of 12 A.E a single young Kobold asked why we were still digging, still doing the work of dead masters? It was with this question that Mata cemented her rule, her wise, rebellious words driving our kind forwards. Mata, through the power of her voice, her questions, forged our people into a sharp pick, with which to carve out our destiny! However, all was not well. With our people guided, with them all living as one rather than as many, we found that our food was low. Queen Mata, as she was called then, decided that our old ways of eating what we found, of hunting whatever meat ran across our feet. We would grow plants, as the old masters did. We would gather parties to hunt prey, as the old masters did. It did not begin well, as our people, as Kobolds have never grown food before, either gathering what we could or being fed by the more merciful of the old masters, the task of planting, of waiting until the food was good before gathering it and eating it was difficult. However we were never hungry, should ever there be lack of food we could eat as we once did, eat the bark of the trees, the soil of the earth. When the year of 59 A.E came we were strong. We had food, and the tunnels of Scale Home were dug out, space for all Kobolds, and new tunnels being dug. The bodies of the old master's were found, kept on display in the chamber were they were buried in stone so that none would forget their time. However, all was not well in the year. Our great leader, Queen Mata, was dying. Upon her place of final rest she called forth her children. With her thirty children who came Queen Mata choose among them the wisest, and so began the rule of Queen Matia. The body of the old Queen Mata the Questioner was burned, as is our way, her body used to warm the royal chambers as the new queen took on her role. We were strong, we had a home, and food, but we were also many, and growing. The queen knew in her wisdom that Scale Home would not hold us all forever, and that others like the old masters would come. So she, along with a entourage of two hundred, went south to find lands we could live in and prosper further. She would be surprised to find Kobolds already in the lands south, living in the hills within huts of earth and mud. They had no ruler, instead living in a council were all the Kobolds made choice. Queen Matia knew that is would be wise to band with these Kobolds, to take them into her rule. They were also strong, for living upon the hills they learned of greater ways to farm, and how to fight. It would seem that when the Kobolds of this village first left the others they went too far south and met the ancient masters, forced to fight and flee. It was during this time that these hill Kobolds began fighting in groups with spears, the advantage of numbers lending to the development of a combat formation dubbed the phalanx. The Queen Matis, in her wisdom, spoke with the people of hills, learnt of them. With the aid of her entourage she incited a great increase in the number of children within the hills, and in doing so convinced the kobolds of the hills of her reign, and so they joined themselves to the kobolds of Scale Home, and to the Queen. It was then that the village of Great Hill became under the rule of the leader of Scale Home. Queen Matis the Wise passed in the year 98 A.E, and with her came the rule of Queen Hel. Time will tell of her, though within the two years of her rule thus far, may there be many more, she has proven bold, under her rule she speaks of expanding further, of finding the old master's and proving who the true masters are. Warriors are being assembled, and armies formed. [hr] [u]Major Events of Scale Home - 1st Century[/u] Cultural: No major cultural advances were made. Technological: By the end of the first century, intermediate advances in Agricultural developments. Military: The development of Phalanxes, A build up of military forces in the last two years. Government Changes: The establishment of the matriarchy. Territorial Expansion: [img]http://i.imgur.com/kGBXyBT.png[/img]