[@Prince of Seraphs] [center][h2][b][color=fff200]Samir Saron[/color][/b][/h2][/center] After Samir finished her paperwork, she decides to head out and take a stroll across Crocus. After all, this was her third day since she came back, so she might as well check out how the city was doing and if any other buildings or stores had changed. She only explored a small section with Marlene yesterday, but obviously not the entire place. The games can wait anyways. Yet as she continues walking towards her favorite ramen location, where she used to eat before and after coming back from a mission, she still thinks about Marlene and what she did yesterday. Of course, she's still resting from the wounds she gained from fighting Argus, but again, the girl was still vulnerable. She could've gotten herself killed in that battle. Oh well. Sammy shouldn't be overthinking this anyways. All that matters, is that she's still alive. Nothing more, nothing less. Suddenly, she looks over the corner of a building and surprise surprise, the Ramen place was still open. A faint smirk crosses her face as she decides to head in. She's also unaware that another mage, Elizabeth, was also nearby...