Her concern rose as the girl started to cry again. Kathy’s eyes scanned the girl as she helped her up, trying to check for any signs of external injuries. She didn’t think she saw anything of immediate concern but that did little to set her at ease. Especially when the girl fell again. Kathy noted the rather formal choice of words the girl had, but the more importantly… [i]‘She needs to relearn how to use her legs? How did she get here?’[/i] She wondered, but aloud she responded, [color=crimson]“It’s alright, there’s no need for apologies at all. My name’s Katherine. Kathy for short if you prefer.”[/color] She paused for a moment, deliberating between offering her hand again, or asking if Iliasriel wanted to be carried to the infirmary. The latter seemed more appropriate if Illiasriel couldn’t walk, but it also seemed rather pushy of her given that they had only just exchanged names and greetings. [color=crimson]“Illiasriel, do you-”[/color] A sudden thud interrupted whatever offer she wanted to make. For a moment she had expected to see a familiar mop of red hair. A look of disappointment passed her expression before she quickly shook herself out of it and turned towards him. She smiled brightly at the warm greeting he gave them, and ended up laughing despite wanting to ask if he was alright first. [color=crimson]“Katherine, Kathy for short.”[/color] She repeated. She offered her hand out to Edric to help him up, and with her free hand she tried to search her pockets for something he could wipe his nose on. All she found, unfortunately, was a white scrunchie. Figuring it was better than nothing, she held it out to Edric once he was up. [color=crimson]“For your nose,”[/color] She explained. [color=crimson]“Sorry, no tissue on me I’m afraid. It’s cotton though, so it should be fairly absorptive.”[/color] Looking between Illiasriel and Edric she asked, [color=crimson]“Do you two want help over to the infirmary? We still have time before the orientation, and they’re used to treating almost everything over there.”[/color] She silently prayed, [i]‘And if we’re lucky, someone other than Kiwi will be available to help.’[/i] Kathy wondered for a moment if she should explain the 'potential risks' that could exist in Athalia's infirmary... But decided not to bring any (hopefully) unnecessary scares, especially if the two of them were new students. As she waited for an answer, she realized that both of them had violet eyes. Slightly differing in shade, but violet all the same. [i]'In the last orientation, there was an oddly large number of students with white hair... I wonder if I'll meet a lot of people with purple eyes this time.'[/i] Kathy mused. It was her favourite colour, so perhaps it was a good omen. [@chukklehed][@Nevix]