Ace climbed onto the train in the middle of the pack. She didn't worry that she hadn't made [i]friends[/i] with any of the Divers. Or that by all appearances, they didn't care much for her. After all, she had been completely and totally ignored. Still, it was a nice change from the leers she had received last job. The solitary existence sung to Ace. Yet being along in a crowd of people bugged her. It was far easier to be alone when you were actually physically alone. There was less of a chance Ace would inadvertently actually start liking someone. Kybuashi sure did know how to secure a train. Ace thought sardonically, her lip curling a little. Her damp cover clung like twenty pounds. She pushed back her hood for the first time since the job started. Her silver hair was plastered to her head. No longer spunky and spiked. She ran a hand through it, causing it to poke out at all angles, all helter skelter. Ace eyed both compartments before picking a spot against the wall. Unlike most of the group Ace choose to remain standing. With her augs there was no chance that Ace would get tired from standing too long. Her muscles were metal and they didn't tire in the same way. She was just as [i]refreshed[/i] standing as she would be sitting. When it became apparent there was no immediate danger, Ace stripped off her over coat. Exposing her clothes under the black mass. She had a teased shirt. Her arms were bare, for ease of deployment. Her legs were now obviously bare apart from the mesh that looked like tights, but was actually reinforced nano armor. She folded her over-shrug neatly and placed it on a vacant seat. While Ace did innocuous things her HUD was actively analyzing the train. So far there wasn't any unwanted passengers. Of course that didn't mean the civilian filled car was actually filled with civilians. Every time one of the Divers walked through that carriage, Ace tensed. After the first time Ace pulled out her Force Stick and began swinging it around in slow lazy circles. Her FS was already at full charge, but the motion did two things. First, it drew attention to the motion. Second it was a distraction. Anyone looking at it would think Ace nervous. She was anything but. Maybe a little bored. But she was patient and didn't mind waiting. When the waiting ended it was abrupt. Ace watched as Crash moved from his silent sentinel position. He had been like a rock. Solid and immovable. Ace watched him because his behavior was out of the ordinary. It was extraordinary when he flung open the door and barreled through their car. He actually looked ruffled. [quote=Crash]"We got company."[/quote] Ace's FS stopped moving and she stilled completely. Did the box get stolen? Or worse? Were they betrayed? The thoughts were barely through her mind when an explosion rocked the train. Screaming came from the passenger car and Crash was past all of them towards the noise. Still, his hesitation about the box was weird. They were paid to protect the box. Not anyone. Not even themselves. Still, the facts were plain. The ambushers were smart. Pinning their small band between a [i]hammer and an anvil[/i]. If they got pinned in on both sides they were in dire trouble. Thus splitting the team was their best offense. "Shit." Ace swore and dodged around the other divers and followed Crash. And apparently Gaze. Freaking little kid. Ace's PEP gun left into her right hand even as her left hand expanded into Fight Mode. Her FS was returned to it's compartment. This was why she took off her shrug. No sense in having it get tangled up during the fight. [quote=Gaze][color=f6989d][b]I can also see about five targets. Four targets.[/b][/color][/quote] Ace paused in between the train compartments. Both Gaze and Crash were inside. Ace looked up into the darkened sky. The clouds were still ominous. Except now they fit the mood. Ace's HUD showed green on all her augs and happily switched her optical into thermal imaging. She took a quick look around, even up and saw multiple targets. Some were still on top of the train. "[color=08E6F9]Well hello there.[/color]" Ace sing-songed under her breath. She needed someone with mods that would allow her to climb on top of their ride without falling off. And she had just the lucky winner. Ace lifted her PEP gun and pulled the trigger as the opportunist poked his head over into the gap. The person took the plasma blast right to the face. Only their helmet kept them from earning an extreme makeover. As it was she watched their body twitch from the after effects. Ace pocketed the PEP gun and carefully made her way up the two cars, one leg braced on either carriage. Her thermal imagine showed more people on the roof, but didn't show the direction they were looking. Poking her head up would be a disaster. She'd end up like Mr. Opportunity here. Or deader.