I was careful to eat politely--no need for Wolfe to see me stuffing my face. The food was good--certainly better than what I'd made for myself on the planet. "So. The Mistress will certainly eventually contact me for a status report on my mission. When this happens, chances are she'll want to see you, though I will initially do my best to convince her to let me keep you as we've established," he said. I nodded. "... As in, she will expect me to hit you. I must ask you, is this all right? I won't be playing around, if it comes to that," he said, nervously nibbling on his food. "You don't need to worry about me, Wolfe. Do whatever needs to be done. I can handle it. I had to learn to control my own pain before I could learn to heal," I explained. Though since it was not one I'd had much need to improve much. If this ruse was to work, it might be time for me to spend a bit of time honing the talent so Wolfe would not have to be afraid to be as aggressive as he needed to be. "And I can heal, you know. I'll be fine. If you think she isn't convinced, do what you have to to convince her. We can't afford for her to not be convinced," I said soberly. I had things I needed to do. I couldn't afford to be forced back into hiding just yet. "If you think you'll hesitate... we should practice that to," I added carefully. Wolfe did not seem eager for the exercise. His nature was very different than I had first surmised from his appearance and stature. Someone who hesitates to hurt others was unsuited to be a Sith, surely.