[h3][color=slateblue]Ariel - GMG Phoenix Wing Stands[/color][/h3] [@CirusArvennicus][@Lugubrious] She shrugged slightly. [color=slateblue]"When I'm first exposed mostly. I found out the hard way that my magic dies out when I overload. At least I'm pretty sure that's what it was."[/color] Her tone was pretty low. From past experience most that knew Ariel would know that she turned blue when she was feeling, well, blue. Expecting another question she attempted to answer it before they asked. [color=slateblue]"I can't leave right now. I made a promise to Karn and I intend to keep it."[/color] It took her a moment looking at Trinity and Fleo's faces to tell that they were worried about her. Right, she clearly wasn't in the brightest of moods right now. And her last statement probably didn't make a whole lot of sense. [color=slateblue]"I'll be fine. I was able to talk with Karn using some of my magic. That Spirit one I thought was so useless."[/color] She sighed slightly. [color=slateblue]"Anyway. I finally got through to him but it took a toll on me. He's been holding onto a lot of guilt from his past and I took a part of it with me. But he has hope again."[/color] For a brief moment Ariel smiled before it wilted again.