[quote=@Krayzikk] [h1]Cyare Staunton[/h1][/quote] [color=ed1c24][h3]Angel Ferrara[/h3] "No, no, it's okay."[/color] Angel slowly stood and, after a few seconds, turned to face Cyare and climbed out of the hot tub. [color=ed1c24]"Kaia's blind, I should probably be helping her around myself. I should probably get going anyway. We're going to need to grab a combat job while we can."[/color] Noting the brief look of surprise on his fellow tub occupant's face, Angel's grin took on the first gleams of ease and confidence it had displayed all morning. [color=ed1c24]"What? I may get a little tongue tied in a hot tub, but I'm not a [i]complete[/i] slouch. Don't have to worry about most monsters showing up to fights half naked. And the ones that do...well, that's why I have a blind friend."[/color]