[center][h3][color=9000f9]Trinity Stratos[/color][/h3][/center] Had she caught Fleo on a strange morning? Or had the minstrel's own pace been throwing the other woman off? Hmm. As though to return the favor, Fleo outpaced her to catch up with Ariel, though she didn't actually think Fleo would be so... spiteful. But, here was Ariel. She didn't quite like that Ariel wasn't sure what had caused her magic to 'die out', but at least it came back? But, this mysterious promise to Karn had her interested. Something must have happened recently, then, but there were so many questions. She had some saved up, but she could get to those later. She should begin with the relevant before taking a tangent. "You used your spirit magic to talk to Karn? So they [i]are[/i] both in there." "And you... took some of his guilt? And gave him hope?" Somehow, she felt like she'd failed. "I'm glad [i]someone[/i] could help that stubborn guy, but there's still the other matter to sort out. Hmm..." There were two souls in the same body, and one was more powerful than the other, threatening to consume it. Perhaps Karn could gain power enough to overcome the threat of consumption, with his new hope, but that still left two souls in one body, two souls that wanted to exist in different places. One was from Edolas, the other, Earthland. "Ariel, how [i]did[/i] you manage to talk to Karn? You said you used your Spirit magic, but... could you be just a little more detailed? And you're [i]sure[/i] you're feelin' alright?"