[center][b][u] 0 - 100 A.E The Great Grogar Migration [/u][/b][/center] Zhodul, once it was one of several symbols of oppression by the hands of the Masters, hairy apes that saw themselves superior to all other lower races. The Fall however, showed the opposite. Once their numbers grew fewer, we rose up in arms and struck them down. We then ate in a Grand Feast, our former masters and "allies" filled our stomachs for many days on end and kept us sated for the time being. But soon we grew hungry once more, both in our appetites and in power. The Warchiefs did not seek to share rule of the city and the lands around, and with that, a new war had begun. The Three Great Tribes, the Ashbringers, the Whitclaws, and the Dragonfangs all stuggle for control of we now call Gurak. The streets run red with blood and the fighting continues to this day. The fighting had forced many smaller tribes to look beyond the city's limits, and o the Great Migration begun. Grogar tribes had dispersed to all corners, some venturing into the grasslands, others going deeper into the southern jungles, some even going as far as the coast. The next century was one of war after war. Remnant Settlements of the Masters were soon discovered by the grogar, and despite fighting well, were eventually overrun. Former Slave camps and other liberated settlements however stood strong and defiant agianst the hordes, but how long that lasts, time can only tell. [center][h2][u]Major Events of Gurak- 1st Century[/u][/h2][/center] [b]Cultural:[/b] No significant cultural changes were made at this time. [b]Technological:[/b] Grogar Tribes have begun forging their own weapons and armor. [b]Military:[/b] Minor Grogar tribes set out to conquer land with mixed results. Several Fortresses and large Encampments have risen over the century. The Three Great Tribes continue their war for the city. [b]Government Changes:[/b] None were made at this time. [b]Territorial Expansion:[/b] [IMG]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/map._zpscdug7ljo.png[/IMG]