[center][h3]Abandoned Warehouse 21/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] With everyone gathered in the warehouse again, most of the party knew what it meant. Someone was in the mirror world again, and this was another rescue mission. Kazuki and Megumi confirmed that there were two, so they were going to have two teams again, one appointed by Rui, and the other led by Rui. Kami was not present today however, he said there was some investigation he simply couldn't let wait, with that understood he was off to do that. [color=slategray]"Two again...? I wonder if this is out of desperation or vindiction..."[/color], he commented. Indeed, but the answer to that depended on what their purpose was. Even with the cultists the other day, they still had no idea. Everything was starting to move really fast too. [color=slategray]"In any case, let us be on our way"[/color], he said, as everyone brought their weapon with them that they stored in the warehouse. Tadao was kind enough to bring more on request. [center][h3]Crossroads - Mirror World 21/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] As they reached the location where the new dungeons should be, they came to a cross roads. At the end of the two roads and within sight were the two dungeons. One appeared to be a tower skyscraper, the top seemed to have no end, not to mention it looked more like a big block of concrete, there were no windows. Honestly it seemed quite daunting, but hopefully it was actually less than it seemed. Down the other road lay a theater, very old fashioned in architecture too, one can guess what they might be dealing with if they step into there. For now... Everyone had decided to stop at the crossroads first, and decide parties before they split off into the two dungeons. [color=magenta]"Huh... That's strange, I'm detecting a passageway between the two dungeons as well. It doesn't seem to have the same feel of the dungeons so there are much less shadows in it, but this will be useful if either party needs assistance"[/color], she informed. Well, time to decide who was going where...