[b][center]Max Stross, Elizabeth Reyes, and Riley Smith Newberry Springs, then Washington D.C.[/center][/b] Max was hoping his plan would have worked right off the bat. However, much to his dismay Riley possessed intelligence he didn't expect from a child. Luckily however despite her smarts her handling of a weapon was pitiful and he avoided any injury from her torrent of bullets that she launched. "Pity for a moment I was almost worried child, but it just proves my point. Only a child and already reaching for a weapon to kill a man of the law. You evo's are trash, literal monsters. "Max spoke with venom towards the child. To be frankly honest he didn't even see her as a child, in his eyes the young evo was an inhuman beast. Max reached for his walkie talkie. "I need a clean up team, I want you guys to make it look like Riley shot her mother and attacked her father. Her prints are on the murder weapon already so no need to set that up, be here shortly then have the real authorities show later I want her facing murder charges by the time the news comes on, oh and make sure to mention her connection to the Everrose family and their adopted "hero". " Max grinned as he raised his gun and fired a shot towards her father that just barely missed inches from his head. "Listen kiddo your mom's about to die, fitting punishment for letting one of you brats being born. Your father...I'll spare if you come wtih me if not I'll kill him, so it's your pick you want to loose both parents today or do you want at least one human left in this world who'll take pity on you fucking freak?" Max said as he held his hand out he wasn't in the mood for a chase. Riley's hands were pressed firmly over the gunshot wound, blood was already starting to covering her hands. "Please dont die mom.." Riley said softly, then she shot an angry glare at Max, as he spoke into a walkie talkie with a glare of pure hatred towards him. He was going to make it look like she did this to her own parents, she jumped when Max fired a single shot nearly missing her father who was now unconcious. In fear of her father's life she looked down at her mother who was breathing very slowly now, she wiped away the tears from her eyes. And seeing no other option Riley didnt want her father to die either. "Promise you wont hurt him." Riley said softly holding her mother's hand for the last time before slowly standing up and looked at her father one last time before walking past Max. Max was amused by Riley's attempt to save his mother's life. The pain of loosing a mother it was like no other but then again his mother never did particarly care for him that much prior to her demise anyway. " I promise...not to kill him." Max then pulled the trigger firing a shot into her father's right leg. "Ah after you brutally murdered your mother..for outing you as the evil EVO you are, your father tried to flee. You attempted to gun him down before he could alert the authorities but luckily you ran out of bullets after shooting him in the leg." He said as he snatched up Riley by her hand and gripped her arm tight. "Your coming with me now, Uncle Max is taking ya for a ride. ." Max said as he reached into his pocket for his syringe and stuck the needle partially into her arm before pulling it out. [i] She's just a kid so a quarter of the dose should be good..[/i] "Not that it was needed but you can never be too careful with Evo's. Your gonna feel sluggish, weak, nauseated but you wont throw up just close to the edge..but never quite all the way there..kind of like your attempts to save your mom's stupid life close but not quite past the finish line. " Max chuckled at his own jokes as he carried her outside to his car and tossed her into the passenger seat before strapping her in. As he went around to get into his vehicle he noticed his men pulling up to fix up the crime scene. "Say adious Riley, we're going on a trip." Max said starting up the car and pulling off. "So I've never been one for a silent road trip, what can ya tell me about yourself Riley? Favorite hobbies, movies, music, what super power you have, come on now feel free not to talk I'll just have your father murdered just a little minor detail..I wanted to chime in..." Riley quickly turned to go back to her father the moment Max had shot him in the leg, she cried again as Max roughly grabbed her hand roughly the younger girl started struggling against Max until she felt a hard pinch in her arm. Riley stared at the syringe just as Max pulled it out of her arm, her vision started to blur quickly as Riley was stumbling behind Max moving her to his car. Riley watched as Quantum agents moved into her house to set up the crime scene, as Max roughly put her into the passenger seat of his car. Riley rested her head against the window, her body was feeling very woosey now. "Fuck you.." Riley said softly slowly looking over at Max, before finally telling him. "I can see other evo's in visions, where they are what they are doing.." Riley managed to say she wasnt going to tell him anything else at this point. Max with one hand on the wheel used the other to slap Riley across the neck. "Don't use that kind of language, fucking evo kids talking like sailors before there even in middle school." [i] It's like it's more then just their powers, geneitcally these things are just savages. I'd say apes deserve more rights then Evo's. [/i] Max was amusing himself with his own humor when Riley mentioned her power. He nearly lost control of the car and swerve into the opposing lane slamming his foot onto the breaks to resume control. "Holy shit." Max was breathing heavilly before picking up speed again. The nightmares he'd been having, the visions of Riley, her being the key to stopping everything, it was all making sense to him. [i] So maybe..someone really did message me from the future, The Evo population must have some-how destroyed the world despite Dark Monday or maybe..those visions are what happens if we don't initiate Dark Monday. And this girl is the key...she's the next Molly..Walker..[/i] "Kid that's impressive I was expecting something alot flasher like instant earthquakes or laser beams." Max said as he reached for his phone and dialed Elizabeth. [i] Pick up Liz...damn it..this is urgent. [/i] Riley glared at Max when he slapped her neck, she tried to shake off the sedative he injected into her. Riley groaned loudly when Max swirved close to the oncoming lane, her head slamming back into the head rest of the car seat. "If I had that power id use it to crush your ugly face.." Riley groaned as she rested her head against the car's window. Meanwhile.. Elizabeth was sitting in the back of her private jet looking over recent news reports of evos in Miami, as well as Texas. She was flying to Ohio trying to win the voters in that state, thats when she recived a phone call from Max. Picking up her phone and setting her computer to the side. "This is Elizabeth, what is it Max did you find a lead on the high school massacre?" Elizabeth asked. "Fortunately enough your power is pathetic and can't cause me any harm. I love when missions just go smoothly." Max gloated while still keeping his focus on the road. He was nervously awaiting the call to be picked up, his heart drumming in anticipation. He wiped a bead of sweat of his forehead when the senator answered the phone. [i] Flawless timing as always [/i] "Not exaclty well I stumbled upon a potential lead but it's slow movnig. Here's the deal though a little side project of mine put me and all of Quantum in contact with an old friend of ours, Project E.P.I.C. ." Max spoke to let Elizabeth know what this meant. "I've found a suitable replacement and I'm on my way to Quantum extraction point, I'm headed straight to headquarters in D.C. I'd suggest an immediate rendevous to activate the satellite, everything is already in place from before the Walker incident, and we've mangaed to detain Suresh last weekend. The way I see it, we get together, intiate the launch, and then celebrate over champagn in Ohio tonight whadda say?" Elizabeth was slightly disapointed at the lead into the high school incident, she however instantly grinned when she heard the news for the replacement of Molly Walker. "Well you really out did yourself today Max." Elizabeth said setting down her glass of wine looking at the clock, she would be in Ohio within an hour, then the hour long press conference to win the voters of that state. "I want her under heavy guard, and I want you to personally supervise everything. After I finish in Ohio tonight I will be there to see everything first hand, just dont let the evo out of your sight until I get back to D.C. Then we can start running tests see how far the ability goes, and after that I think you deserve a vacation, I will be in D.C. tonight." Elizabeth said as she hung up the phone and leaned back in her seat everything was going to plan so far. While Max was on the phone Riley was slowly starting to fumble with the seatbelt, still everything was dizzy she wasnt sure what Max had planned for her as Riley managed to take off the seatbelt Riley quickly started to try and open the car door. Max knew Elizabeth wouldn't be pleased with his intiial lack of results but he figured getting E.P.I.C up and running by morning would more then make up for that. As expected she was proud of his results, and a vacation sounded nice. Although to him wiping out the Evo population was life, vacation just meant he had plenty of time and extra income to do it on his own more personal means. "Thank you Senator, honestly I do it for the people." Max chuckled although he was being very serious. He listened intently as she gave the rest of the instructions. "I'll do just that Senator, everything is going according to plan." When the phone clicked he turned to Riley and let out a sigh of relief. All the chaos in Florida, Texas, and California was getting to him it was like he finally found a light in the darkness that was consuming his mind. "Where the fuck do you think your going!" Max said swerving in his attempt to grab Riley to pull her away from the car door and speeding up as well to make it suicidal to leap out. "I got plans for you kiddo sit tight! Riley felt the car quickly swerving again as Max reached to grab her, the collar of her shirt being yanked back and being pulled back into the car seat. She wanted to get as far away from Max as possible but she kept him firmly in the seat. A couple hours later Max was still dressed in his combat gear however he was a-lot more relaxed. He was in the D.C Headquarters with Senator Elizabeth Reyes herself, and everything was going according to plan. They had Dr. Mohinder Suresh captive, and co-operating running tests on Riley in another room. Max looked to the central Quantum monitoring screen in the center of room seeing that it was being connected to the E.P.I.C sattelite. Max could only smile everything was finally coming to fruitation after months of hard work to put together a system to effectively track the Evo's. "Senator Reyes, Director Stross, we've got word from Director Scosman and the rest of Quantum's head board they approve of the E.P.I.C sattelite being launched and many will be tuned in to view it with us over video message, Smith is fully connected to the system, give Suresh the word to activate E.P.I.C and get this show on the road." One of Quantum's head scientists spoke. Max reached for his walkie talkie. "Tell Suresh to turn this thing on now or his mother's getting sniped ." A few seconds later a beep was heard and the monitor screen changed to show a sattelite in space being activated and the screen split in half showing the earth and then several different countries before zooming into the United States. "E.P.I.C..loading begin..1%....2..%...5%" The computer voice droned on while Max looked towards Elizabeth. "So within the next half hour we're going to be able to find them, all of them, we can start initiating the Evo Raids..we can go after all the unregistered, the only question that remains is if your still up for drinks after we get E.P.I.C up and running tonight Senator." The next few hours were bad for Riley as men quickly took her into the labs where they took her blood, and registered her into Quantum's database, then they started hooking the girl up into a chair with various monitors and sensors. Men were outside the door as Riley continued to struggle, before finally she was sedated once again. Elizabeth was sitting in a chair in the other room looking over at the various screens and reading some of Riley's vitals, her attention turned to look at Max suggesting to start the raids now and shook her head slowly. "As much as I want to eliminate the evo population as you do. If we do it now then that would just cause more problems. We wait until Dark Monday when the evos are powerless then we strike." Elizabeth said taking a sip of a glass of water. Elizabeth turned to look at Max and smiled at him and nodded. "And yes dinner would be perfect tonight." As E.P.I.C. was finally started Riley started to wince in pain as she started to see evos all around the world, registered and unegistered they were all going on about their lives normally. Riley started thrashing around in the chair screaming in pain. Max clapped as did other agents as the machine was nearing 100%. This was the end of tons of hard work finally paying off. "Perhaps your right Liz." Max didn't want to intiate full scale genocide yet but then again trying to round up all the most powerful evo's at once wasn't exactly tactful. Even if they attempted that they were still out of Quantum's grasp for a reason if they weren't resourceful they made up for it in their combined raw power. Dark Monday would certainly even the odds and make things better. "I'm glad, you won't regret it, tonight will be amazing." Max boasted but he wasn't just talking about their outing. "E.P.I.C. 100% activated, United States, total number of evo's(number spoken), locations are as follows." The system showed one massive map of the location of all the Evo's in the United States, and then one agent entered in India and the screen switched maps to show all the evo's there as well as the number again. "Liz we did it...everything is in place..for us to fix the world 3 months..we can do it." Elizabeth leaned forward watching as E.P.I.C. was designed to do, as it marked all the evos registered and unregistered across the US, as well as other countries. "You did a good job." Elizabeth said as she stood up and shook Max's hand. "Get yourself cleaned up and we can go out and celebrate." Elizabeth said and turned to look at the head scientist. "Unhook miss Smith, and keep her in a secure cell no one is allowed to see her unless either Max or I are notified. And make sure Suresh isnt anywhere near her either in case he wants to break her out." Elizabeth said as she turned around and left the room. Max was just happy everything was going according to plan. Meanwhile elsewhere in New York City a loud rumbling was heard near the Petrelli mansion and nearby a vortex opened up and a man was spit out. The man crashed into a dumpster and emerged from the destroyed trash container looking around. "Stross you failed me, but I won't allow your mistakes to carry into the future you will be stopped."