[h2]Karn/Edo-Karn || Crocus || Game Stadium[/h2] [@Burthstone][@Caits] Stupid wizards. Stupid magic. Stupid transformation magic. [i][color=lime]"... Eddy, I'll help out. It's okay, we can do it together. So let's wake up. I'll show you what a real transformation is."[/color][/i] Karn's voice spoke out in the unconscious body before emerald eyes snapped open. The right eye being the usual emerald green, but the left eye was glowing with a almost ethereal green. Karn could feel the lacrima in his neck seep further into his flesh, barely showing anymore now from underneath the scarf. [i][color=springgreen]"Alright. It was suppose to be your fight anyway. About time you stopped lounging about."[/color][/i] Edo-Karn responded. Transforming, Karn turned into a large worm, burrowing through the earth. He could not see, he could not hear, but he could feel the world around him. He did not really enjoy turning into things like this because the very different senses these sorts of creatures have, but they did come in handy. Quite a bit was happening as the vibrations against the earth indicated but he made his way toward a certain still vibration. The spot that had some heat, but didn't have the increased body heat Penny had and was also the closest to the said body heat. He felt burns on his body, so he quickly transformed again into a Chimera, feeling the rock break away from his bigger body while his jaws quickly opened. [color=lime]"Eastern Chimera Roar."[/color] He roared, the firey solar blast erupting from his mouth and bursting from the earth below where Grant was, his own body heat skyrocketing to almost feeling like it was boiling, even more so now that he was in the sun and being powered by it. Smoke and debris surrounded them as he emerged from the earth. When it cleared, the blonde boy hand reverted back to human form and was promptly in a cute frilly pink dress with white lacing. [color=lime]"Hiya!"[/color] he giggled cheerfully, waving and bouncing energetically. His expression suddenly changed into a 'what the utter fuck' expression, the ethereal green eye twitching. [color=springgreen]"Where and how did you get that dress?"[/color] his lips moved, though this time it was Edo-Karn speaking. Face changing back to cheery as he giggled a bit, the blonde hummed innocently. [color=lime]"Mmmmmagic! A good transformation wizard is always prepared for a change of clothes!"[/color] he chirped. [color=springgreen]"I think you just enjoy crossdressing. You weirdo."[/color] Edo-Karn responded before looking over the shared girly body. [color=springgreen]"I change my mind. Give me control and get out of this."[/color] she stated, seeming unsure how to particularly react to this. Karn giggled, happily twirling and making the edge of the dress twirl with him. Seeming to pay no heed to Edo-Karn's more or less unfavorable reaction to having a dress on. ----------- [h2]Prince || Crocus || Game Stadium[/h2] Prince hummed in amusement as he watched the games, ears twitching ever so slightly. [color=aqua]"Perhaps, but there is little that can be done. People are born with magic, and the witch hunts that happened aren't exactly looked highly upon. It probably would have helped if most of the more experience magic users hadn't been hunted out, while new wizards were still being born. But lacked proper teaching. Great power comes great responsibility after all."[/color] he mused before his ears slightly perked as Karn seemed to wake up. The real one. Huh. Interesting indeed. Suppose he might not need to act after all.