[h1]Nidhogg[/h1] "Memory loss, huh? How interestingly tragic, though I must say i'm at a loss as to how transformation into a sword would lead one to suffer such an ailment. I guess shock could be a likely cause but still, quite peculiar." Nidhogg scratched at his chin in contemplation of the event, before he decided to address the second part of the girl's speech, not wanting to have the poor girl get the wrong impression. "As for my magic, I must say that is quite nasty business, and definitely not something someone like you should get involved with. I'm sure you can agree that what I just did was highly unnatural and more than a little disturbing. Magic is a very dangerous and corruptive thing in certain cases, and contrary to what some people might say, evil magic does exist. It's not very prevalent, but it does exist and is definitely something that shouldn't be messed, less you find yourself in a bad situation. My magic is more like a side effect of a curse, to be honest, and while I feel like it's made my life better and more fulfilling in the long run, that could be in fact because I'm most certainly not the same person I was before gaining this power." Nidhogg seemed like he was about to say more, but then notice a rather large sign that indicated the butcher shop. He sent the citizen on their way, and walked into the store. He didn't talk to he man, leaving that to the girl, instead going up to a medium-sized hung of meat, smiling to himself as he walked into the back room, slamming the door shut behind him. He opened the door a tad to gaze out with a small gleaming white smile. "The girl will pay for the meat, and I'll be out within a few minutes. Don't bother me until I'm done, or you'll regret it." He then shut the door, leaving the butcher to look between the door and Jasmine, before he turned back towards the door. He was about to open the door up when the sound of ferocious feeding began to resonate from the room. He took a peek in through the window, took on a rather pale complexion, than took a seat and looked at Jasmine. "So . . . that'll be 50 jewels." [@Lunarlors34]