[b][center]Michael Thomas, Anna Pedrose, and Jennifer Cho Miami Florida resistance base [/center][/b] Anna was back in Miami and she was happy with her blood bath in Texas. It was nice to flip the switch and turn things on the humans to give them validation for their fears and justification for their excessive brutality. The whole country was in uproar as the Governor of Texas was murdered at the hands of an EVO, as well as several others in the wake of her rampage. “In Both California and Texas specifically LA, and Austin respectively Martial Law is being put into place. The National Guard is moving to aid local law enforcement in these times of crisis in both states. The size changing EVO responsible for the mass murder of several including the governor is being hunted, and her identity is trying to be verified as we speak..” Anna was watching the news in her hotel room where a representative from the Department of Homeland Security’s Evo Division was speaking down in Texas. [i] These humans are so confident in their power over us, their authority yet we are the ones they fear. Even in their acts of bravado I can see beneath the cracks. These little pigs are terrified of us, and what we can do if we unite. I’m letting the world know that we are the ones with the super powers, we’re the X Men, there just civilians ha ha ha [/i] Anna couldn’t help but laugh, she was all over the news. This would be an example to other evo’s in other countries to start standing up, a show of strength. The next thing the news showed was Frank Jackson’s “controversial” “Anti govenrment” speech and she knew no doubt he’d be targeted by the government soon. “Hmm..someone like him a figurehead, someone strong enough to stand up and say something about the shit that’s happening, can’t just sit around and let the feds kill him. I want EVO’s to know what we can do if we really stand together.” Anna was stuck on the idea and was ready to do whatever was neccessary to get involved with everything taking place at the Vigil. Focusing her appearance shifted to it's original and she exited the room. A couple of minutes later Anna was forcing herself into the crowd which was slowly but surely exploding into arguments everywhere after Frank went up to the podium to speak. [i] Now why do I have the feeling I can find some other EVO's here who don't want to put up with Uncle Sam's shit anymore hmm. [/i] Still satisfied with the performance he had Frank Jackson make and the news of a powerful Evo being located somewhere here in Miami, Michael found himself comfortable against the light post he had beenough agitated by earlier on. He kept his eyes on Evan, and hoped to listen in or dissect any thoughts on this mysterious Evo, but he didn't try to block out the rest of everyone's thoughts. Hearing everyone at once was not how it was portrayed in the movies. It was more like being in a room full of talking people. He could focus on one conversation at a time in a sense. "Hmm..." His eyes shifted to a young woman as he heard a peculiar thought. She had just arrived, so he figured he could take a peek into her head. If she wasn't good on information, then he was sure she would be good for other things. A smile snuck up on his face as he looked the woman up and down before opening up her mind like a book. [I]Interesting... Shitty life.... Gained powers..... What the.... Wait. [/i] Michael shook his head as he stared at the woman in awe. Not only was she an Evo, this woman had to be a Level 4 or higher. She was the one that singlehandedly fucked up Austin, Texas as if she was a monster from a Godzilla movie. Michael didn't know whether to be shocked or excited by his find. He had to speak to her. She was everything he had been looking for. Powers, anti government, and she could hold her own. He took a chance and pushed a thought into her head. He could have commanded her, but that would have just stripped away any trust he could gain from her. [I][color=yellow]Hey Anna! Listen to me... I need you to look to your right. There's a man leaning up against a light post wearing black. Speak to him. He can help you. [/color][/i] If anything Anna was enjoying the nice Florida weather. It was relaxing and the beach was one of her favorite places to be. So it was the perfect mix of business and pleasure, honestly she wouldn't mind if one of the Evo's she ran into was a powerful male counterpart. There was plenty of stuff she hoped to find in the sunshine city today. She was surprised The Department of Homeland Security's Evo Division hadn't come to intervene with the vigil after Jackson's speech but he wasn't harboring unregistered evo's or commiting any actual offense's besides speaking his mind. Then something happened, something unexepected, a surprise but not at all one that was unwelcome. [i] Hmmmm who's the Professor X in my head? [/i] Anna giggled she knew this power existed but it was cool to actually encounter it. She heard what the mysterious man had spoke into her mind and turned to her right to see just that individual over there. [i] And he's black mhmmmm..chocolate. Oh I guess you heard that haha. I'll be right there hun. [/i] Anna practically waltzed over to Michael with enthusiasm beaming as she got in-front of him holding out her hand." Hi I'm Anna..but I guess you might already know that well depending on how good you are with those jedi mind tricks, so what's your name and what brings you to Miami?" Michael raised an eyebrow at the woman, he didn't mind the flattery. He actually was surprised she responded so openly. Most people who heard mysterious voices in their heads panicked for a bit. Perhaps it was because she wasn't completely stable. He grasped Anna's hand firmly before speaking. "I'm Michael, and I..." Michael paused for a moment. [I][color=yellow]It's better to communicate it like this. I'm on the run technically, so we're both enemies of the government. Both have some pretty strong powers. And we both want Quantum to be brought down. So what do you say about being the first member of the little resistance I'm throwing together? [/color][/i] "You down or what?" Michael spoke out loud with a smirk to show Anna that he wasn't going to attempt to accomplish his goals with just words and protests. He was about ready to hear her answer, but someone approached them. A large Hispanic man wearing a gray hoodie, baggy blue jeans and worn out sneakers that looked like they used to be white. Michael looked at him with confusion, but the man didn't seem to be interested him. [I]He wants her? [/i] "Are you Anna Pedrose?" He asked with his deep voice. "A fan of your work would like a meeting with you." The man said just as Michael smiled. "Sure, let's go." Michael answered for Anna. [i] A firm grip I hope that's not the only thing firm. [/i] Anna continued to amuse herself as she amused herself again. "Michael." She smiled repeating him. "That's a nice name, I like it." [i] Well what do you think the answer is, duhh. I have no love for the Men in Black and their racist rules. I'd be happy to join this tango of yours Michael, you know strength in numbers and all that, plus..I'm sure we WILL make a great team. [/i] Anna was excited about the prospect of working with another powerful special, and hoped to run into others. Although that wasn't the only reason she wanted to find some more Evo's. Anna was about to speak to this new individual who approached them out of nowhere, but Michael answered for her. Normally she'd be more defensive but she figured she had a mind reader on her side so she was safe. That was if indeed Michael turned out to be a true ally and friend if not well...she had more then a couple ways of disposing of those who tried to play her. She could only shrug and smile going along with Michael. [i]Hopefully I gain something from this meeting. [/i] "Count me in!" She commented oozing with enthusiasm. [I]Perfect. [/i] Michael thought to himself as he smiled at the larger man. What he could already read, is that this man had a group of his own. He was not the brains of the operation, but he was sure as hell taking them to him. Michael couldn't wait to meet this leader, so much that he started spoiling himself to what this messenger and escort knew about her. The silent man waved his hand to signal the two to follow him. "Stay close to me." He said as he grabbed his phone and started texting. When he sent his message, he placed the phone into his pocket. [I][color=yellow]Hey Anna, we're about to get picked up... just brace yourself. [/color][/i] Michael pushed the thought. He knew what was going to happen but had no idea of how to explain it without it sounding odd. He took a breath before he heard a gust of wind. With the sound, scenery changed in an instant. The three Evos found themselves in a dim lit room that held a mild smell of marijuana. Michael exhaled as his eyes met with a woman seated at an old wooden desk cleaning a pistol. She did not look up at him, but the others in the room gave Anna and Michael their full attention. There were at least a dozen people staring at them. "I thought Troy just bringing back the girl? Who the hell is this?" A man said with a confused and bothered look. The seated female finally looked up with her piercing eyes. "I'm with her. Wherever she goes, I go." Michael said as if he had been with Anna for more than the two minutes that he had been. "There a problem with that?" "No." The woman sitting down said as she put together her pistol. "I'm assuming you're one of us too.... that means we have another recruit." Anna didn't know what to think or what she expected about what she was about to encoutner during this meeting. [i] Picked up? Like...[/i] Anna didn't have long to ponder on that thought before the ability changed their locations. She smiled as she was presented with one of her favorite flagarance's in the world. [i] It smells great in here [/i] She'd already begun to take a liking to the group as soon as they had appeared. "Recruit hmm well I Was brought here because apparently someone here appreciated my work. That's who I want to speak to, I want the info on this resistance because if there's evo's working together to stop all the bullshit the suits are doing.. I want in." Anna smirked this was better then she cold have imagined. Coming to this vigil had been one of the best descisions she made since killing the governer of texas. Not to mention she was more then happy that Michael appeared to be sticking to her side. "Look no further Ms Pedrose." The woman answered. Meanwhile, Michael bouncing in and out of everyone's head. "I'm Jennifer, but call me Jen. I'm the leader of what will soon be a resistance that Quantum won't be able to handle. I already have the numbers to start, so..." Jennifer was cut off by Michael. "Nah, your group isn't cut out. Half of their powers won't stand a chance to bullets, and the rest have powers that barely count as powers...." Michael said coldly before chuckling. "You actually have a guy with the power I always joke about." Michael looked to a man staring hard at him for insulting the group. With a tilt of his head to the man, Michael continued. "He glows in the dark. Come now, what's he suppose to do? Make sure I know I'm grabbing the right key when I'm being chased by Michael Meyers?!" A few people snickered. "How about you shut the hell up! I produce radiation. On physical contact, I could make you wish you could die right away." The man retorted. Jennifer just scowled at Michael, disliking the man already. "Then you got one guy that's in charge of pulling surveillance in this old factory basment. Sure he can see through solid objects and catch the enemy before they reach you, but can you trust a job like that to one guy?" Michael looked at the man who dared not look back at him. Jennifer stood up from her sear and squared off in front of Michael. "You're not even in my crew, and you're questioning my authority! Who the fuck do you think you are? As a matter of fact, I don't care. I'M the only one who can bring Quantum down, because I know them better than anyone else fighting against them! If you don't like it.... leave!" Jennifer looked to Anna to see how she felt about all of this. Anna was eager to hear this woman out on who this organization was out, she wanted to know all about Jennifer. She wondered for a moment what it would be like to have Michael's power it seemed so interesting, so invasive but still. She liked Michael, so for now she'd keep him as a friend. [i] A resistance the mysterious Quantum can't handle. Now this is getting interesting. [/i] Anna was intrigued by what Jennifer said but couldn't help but laugh when Michael began talking smack about them. She was displeased about hearing that some of the Evo's present had some abilities that leaned to the weaker side. Still she was amused by Michael's banter he was smart, powerful, and humurous. "Well first off..DON'T speak to Michael like that, if he leaves I leave as well. Now then you tell me what makes you so special that you can lead us to the destruction of Quantum? You're confident, but there's plenty of confident failures.What seperates you from them, I think we should join Michael if the two us alone are stronger with a whole group we can really let humans feel their inferiority." She spoke with glee and prejudice in her voice a desire to flip the tables on humans. "Hmm..." Michael looked toward the man who was conducting surveillance. "There won't be much of a group in a bit." Michael said being brutally honest, but coming off as threatening. Jennifer was getting sick and tired of Michael's mouth. She wanted recruit Anna, but Michael was a thorn in her side. He almost made her want to go back to her old Evo hunting days. "I'm confident that I know my enemy, because I was my enemy. I'm an ex Quantum Agent. One of their best. So don't think I'm not capable. I may not have an ability that let's me destroy cities, but I..." "Get ready!" Michael shouted as one of the far wall exploded. Debris flew into the room as a task force moved in. In seconds the room was lit up in gun fire. Michael quickly used his telepathy to make himself "invisible" and grabbed moved himself towards the wall of the room before working his magic. One of the men in the take force began shooting at his own comrades. Jennifes' body (haha) became nearly transparent as she held her pistol. She charged the men and ran through their bodies before becoming solid and shooting at them from the rear. Anna was starting to feel like something was about to happen, intuititon, senses she didn't know but she felt it. Combat experience from someone swimming around her head, someone's gut instincts guiding her own. "Ex Quantum agent." Anna sneared hearing this information it made sense that she knew what she knew. She was an ex narc turned to the high side, not exactly the most admirable thing. [i] I bet she'd make a good snack, but if she's really got people on her side numbers..connections..she'll be more useful as a soldier. [/i] Anna knew that going after Jen could have some consequences that made this entire resistance thing mute and futile. Jen didn't have much time to speak on her experience before they were under attack. "THIS IS THE JOINT DHS EVO DIVISON QUANTUM TASK FORCE LAY DOWN AND DIE! RESISTANCE IS ILLEGAL!" One of the agents yelled out as the task force began their bloody onslaught on the Evo's. It was like a scene out of a violent military movie but this is what the Evo's where being reduced too hunted simply for congregating to conspire for their freedom. One of the men fired bullets but Anna waved her hand stopping the bullets and turning them back to their own men causing them to be pierced through by their own shells of death. "You piece's of shit think you can tell us what to do!" Anna's voice rang with anger as an explosion went off near her and she flew forward tackling the radioative evo in Jen's group as the debris lifted up a thin layer of smoke around her. She punched a hole clean through his chest and red sparks eminated from her body surging through his converting him into energy and dragging him into her body just as the smoke cleared. She burped and stood up as radiation surged in her right hand and she launched a beam of radiation towards some incoming heavilly armed choppers causing an aerial explosion. With her other hand she sent forth beams of red energy that blasted into men converting them into energy and dragging them into her body. Michael smiled as he watched the two women spring into action. Even though there were some heavy casualties on his side, they were able to push the fight outside where abilities were pretty free to use. Quantum kept its Evo agents out for that very reason. An pyrokinetic agent shot a column of flames toward Jennifer who phased through it and entered the agent's body. As she fought for control, Michael stepped outside with seemingly not a care in the world. He stopped as he caught view of the Armored Personnel Carriers and choppers. By the look of things, he felt that he could turn this situation to how he wanted it. [I][color=yellow]Submit![/i][/color] Michael sent the thought to the pyrokinetic agent to help Jennifer take over his body much easier. Another Evo agent approached Jen's new body before he was burned alive by her. Jen then proceeded to send flames toward the APCs. And Evo with With super speed ran towards Jennifer, only to run passed her and scream about how he couldn't see before slamming into a wall. He got up and dusted himself off before he now saw several Evos in front of him. He took out his pistol and shot at them. In reality, he was shooting down other agents of the task force. When he cleared out his allies, he sat down on the ground. [I][color=yellow]I got present for you Anna... as a matter of fact... [/i][/color] Michael walked towards the center of it all. It helped that he could not be seen by the agents. He was like an invisible hand of God, helping the resistance. "Quantum registered me as a Level 3 Evo... I want to show them my gains!" He shouted before looking up towards the sky and focusing all his power to the enemies in the area. [Color=yellow]"NOW! SURRENDER! Gather over here and sit!"[/color] Michael commanded them all at once before looking to Jennifer who just existed the body the Quantum agent who was heeding the command given by Michael. "You had a mole in your ranks. Now I was going to tell you before, but I think there's a lesson to be learned here. This only happened because you're man was afraid. With power like this on your side, there's only gonna be fear for our enemies." Michael massaged his temples as 9 men sat on the ground in front of him as well as the mole who outed Jenifer's group. Jennifer moved around the group of seated stone faced men and stopped at her former comrade. "Make him kill himself... in the worst way you can think of." "You heard her right?" Michael chuckled before pointing out towards the south. "Go walk to the beach tonight and swim as far as you can go. And when you get tired, keep swimming." Michael said to the man who nodded slowly. "That good enough?" "I'm satisfied." Jennifer replied. "I'm happy if my women are happy.... and you guys too." Michael said the last part to Evos of Jennifer's group that barely made it. Anna was ready for combat as soon as they got outside because she was reeling rejuvinated with the radioactive meal she just had. [i] So this is how Spidey felt after that spider bit him. [/i] Anna giggled still managing to have a laugh despite the seriousness of the moment. As soon as they were outside Anna waved her hand to send out a wave of radioactive energy to blast some agents away, while one Quantum agent appeared in-front of her. "Ah so your Pedrose, the name's Flint I'm the one who'll be killing you to do." Flint raised his hand causing a blast of force to send Anna back slamming her into a parked car. Flint then caused some space to compress above Anna forming an invisbile iron that pressed down on her pushing her into the concrete while sending forth waves of force to slash through the resistance backing up his fellow agents. "You will be subdued, you will not stand up against Quantum Industries! The agent barked as he felt the invisbile force on Anna being lifted up. "What the..." "You're not the only one who can move things with their mind!" Anna snapped causing the force above her to be dissipated, she then raised her arm to start causing Flint to choke. Only for the same thing to happen to her as she began screaming as she felt pressure in her head, Anna sent forth red sparks only for a wall of invisible force to block them and Anna struggled growing to gigantic sizes only for the pressure to increase bringnig her to knees falling on some resistance as she reduced herself to normal size. "Growing won't do anything, I distort space, get bigger you make yourself a bigger target, make yourself smaller well..if the pressure hurt you big imagine if your ant sized..." "Alright then fuck you I've got a trick for you." Anna charged forward secreting a dark black liquid towards Flint only for him to form a wall of space to intercept it. With Anna's other hand she sent forth a column of flames only for a spacial orb to encase it. Anna then grinned causing the black liquid to move towards the fire and trigger an explosion. "What's this. "Flint moved forward only to fall to the ground feeling weak and strength rapidly declining as Anna stood before him and suddenly punched a hole through his chest. Flint stumbled backwards as Anna formed red sparks prepared to use her power on him only for him to warp a spatial wave through his body cutting him apart into several piece's blasting his body back. Anna had fy back. Anna had flew to the side to avoid the suicidal attack and turned towards some attacking agents and reduced them in size while sending forth a blast of fire to incinerate them. After the battle was over and they rounded up the agents she was happy when Michael sent the mole packing." I've always hated snitches, so what's next?" "Well if you want to pick an choose some powers before I deal with them, go right ahead and ask them what they got. And shrink most of the wreckage around here please, the cops are bound to be here real soon." "How are you dealing with them?" Jennifer asked. "There's at least two of those armored vehicles right? We get the fuck out of here with these guys and keep them until we've gotten all the information out of them." Michael said as he patted one of the men on the head. "Not doubting your knowledge, just figure that there probably have been some new developments since you've been gone.... Everyone else, get the vehicles ready, Jen and I are driving." Michael ordered. "It's funny how you're playing boss without a name to be called." Jennifer commented. "With my ability, I don't need one, but you can call me Michael." Michael set his hand on a task force members head and shut his eyes before taking a breath. "Alright you can use your ghost thing to take over his body. I'll drive the lead vehicle just in case we run into any obstacles.... And we're heading Texas, but we need more supplies and more support first." "Hmm I'm good Michael I've got all that I need." She was surprised that Michael was in her head about what she did with her power and wasn't alarmed. Not that she had any plans to make a move on Michael or any potential ally. Whatever she gained in information she'd loose in numbers. "But as for the rubble, I've always hated cleaning up." Anna waved her hand doing as instructed reducing the wreckage inside anything to keep the authorities off their trail. Although after that fight with the joint task force she was sure law enforcement would be trying to put the hammer down on this movement. "Shot gun! I'm sitting by you Michael." She declared with excitment read yto go on this mission. Going back to Texas sounded like fun but with an actual team no matter how unorganized they'd do some real damage, and make those cultists regret everything they were doing.