[b]jarvis[/b] [@Natsume Honnaji] Jarvis gave a nod to robin, before starting up the stairs, climbing them up to Robins floor, and to the right door. [color=aba000]"here it is. Before I forget, do you need accomadtion back in magnolia? We provide rooms for members at a rate of 10 percent of what you earn a month, and have plenty of rooms available"[/color] or would by the time the games were finished. [b]penny[/b] [@burthstone] Penny couldn't do anything without harming Karn. She cursed lightly, nimbling dodging Grant. She frantically searched for a way to end this. She wanted to win, but her need to protect a guild mate was stronger. As Grant came at her again, Penny would allow him to get close, and then she flung her arms out, brushing the dagger away, not reacting as it cut her slightly, and flung her arms around Grant tight. [color=f7976a]"You don't know what it means to truly care about someone. You're done"[/color] her body was engulfed in flames once more, but then Grant was practically flung out her arms, leaving her standing there, blinking at the Karn in a dress, before snarling and looking down at her now healing wrist. [b]Jessie[/b] [@hatakekuro] Jessie watched the battle, occasionally commenting on it, but it was without her usual flare. As things seemed to get heated between Grant, Penny and Karn, she spoke up. [color=f6989d]"I think we all thought there was no way out for Phoenix Wing's Penny. But she doesn't seem to be giving up and oh my, what is this? Phoenix wings Karn has entered the fray once more! What will Grant do-hey!"[/color] she squealed it as Ferris scooped her up, and managed, just, to flick her mic off. She wriggled, quite deliberately, [color=f6989d]"seems like you already have"[/color] she said, but couldn't deny, Ferris made a comfortable seat. She sighed, letting herself relax slightly. [color=f6989d]"I...you're thinking of joining a guild, and it just feels like...like I'm losing you before we even truly began"[/color] [b]Master Jamie[/b] [@joshua Tamashii] Jamie gave a smile to Amelia when she returned, [color=f26522]"we are thinking of ice cream, if you wish to join us. I'm going to stop and check on Jackie as well"[/color] which, as Jamie read the note, she should do quickly, and intercept Angelo, just in case. [b]Michael[/b] Michael gave a heavy sigh, pondering a few things. "The thing is, people, in some places, are still being hunted because they have magic" he said softly, and didn't say anything else about that, troubled. "I think these games could show what wizards could be, but...it could also bring about that fear again. Right now, I guess it could go either way. There's not been anything big to show that we are here to protect fiore, not that that would be good anyway. Some things take a while to heal. The games are meant to bring us together, but so far all it's doing is throwing us apart"