[b][color=0072bc]"Yes,"[/color][/b] Lyn mused behind her digitizer, [color=0072bc][b]"While we don't have the best records on our history during the Break Out period, there were reports of a young man being in conflict with a soldier equipped with an advanced form of power armor."[/b][/color] The thin-framed girl kicked back in her chair, teetering with two of the foot posts in the air as she kicked her feet onto the table. [color=0072bc][b]"Of course, we were very naive back then. I assume the soldier they were referring to in the reports was probably a Seeker. In-fact I don't have a hard time believing your story at all, considering there were several reports of the incident..."[/b][/color] [color=0072bc][b]"..And that through data mining of government controlled servers we are beginning to believe the Seekers were actually a program brought on in-line to our genetic modification program. Almost as if they were expecting this..."[/b][/color] A crashing was heard as the guard at the front of the tent stumbled. [color=fdc68a]"Excuse me, miss, do you really think it is wise to reveal information like that to an outsider, a male no less?"[/color] [color=0072bc][b]"He won't say anything Aria, trust me. And even if he does, we'll find him. Our information network is larger than you'd like to believe. Alot larger."[/b][/color] Lyn cleared her throat awkwardly before glancing towards the guard, [b][color=0072bc]"Please, give us some alone time. Don't worry, he won't be any trouble. And if he is, I'm armed."[/color][/b] The battle-clad guard unpursed her lips as if meaning to speak before catching herself. She knew it was no use, The Thinker would get her way, no matter what she had to say about it. Turning on her heel, Aria headed out the door, only to peek her head back in before exiting. [color=fdc68a]"Alright, but if I head ANYTHING unusual, I'm coming back in and he's getting a bullet through the temple."[/color] [b][color=0072bc]"Well for your sake let's hope she doesn't hear anything she deems as unusual."[/color][/b] Lyn kicked her boots from the edge of the table, leaning forward as her chair returned to rest on the ground. Her butt wiggled up from the seat ever so slightly as she leaned over the table, peering into Miro's eyes. [b][color=0072bc]"I'm going to be straight with you ok? I don't trust you. Not fully. Your story is good, but it's too good. Too good to be all you claim it to be. You don't just want to help these girls, no one does it's a suicide mission."[/color][/b] Lyn leaned in closer still, her hand grasping the digitizer, pulling it down around her neck, revealing her [url=http://s397.photobucket.com/user/GLaDOS4Life/media/sample_06873fee63fb35188c80041c1f453cc8ccdc3234.jpg.html]face[/url]. [color=a187be]"So what do you really want Miro?"[/color]