Tara went around to a couple shops. She enjoyed window shopping, but knew she couldn’t afford most of the high end, designer clothes. Some of the clothes were silly, it seemed as though many of the designers were scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up with different designs. Though, the tomboy wore fairly ratty thrift store clothes most the time, she made them work for her as best as she could. Not that she was obsessed with looking nice. She sometimes just liked looking in the mirror. But alas, there were some really nice clothes she could one day have if she ended up getting a lot of money. That rich boyfriend idea sounded really appealing at the moment. Suddenly, her phone buzzed. Tara instantly whipped it out of her back pocket to find a message from Riley and a ninja text from Kylie. [color=seagreen][i]Be there in ten minutes.[/i][/color] [i]’riley has a stick in his ass 2day, so idk if u rlly wanna fuck wid dat ho. lol. also have u met his gf? i h8 her alrdy.’[/i] She didn’t bother sending a text back to Rye Bread, it would be kinda pointless and just fill blank space. But she did send a text to Kylie. [color=0b5fbd][i]I’ll make sure not to cross that line, but you should watch yourself. It usually you who gets the short end of the stick up his ass. I haven’t met his gf yet, tho. I’m surprised he managed to get himself a willing subject. I’ll keep a careful watch on her.[/i][/color] Deciding she couldn’t do much in 10 minutes, Tara headed over to the water fountain near the center of the shopping centre. It’s where she usually met up with people. Besides, it was a good place to people watch. After a bit of staring into the crowd, though, she got bored. There were a few couples walking around hand in hand and elderly people, but it was a work day so everyone was busy with a job or school. How boring. So instead, the slightly impatient female pulled out her phone to play around on some mobile app or another. Her eyes stayed glued to the device until she heard an all too familiar voice call out. [color=Seagreen]“Hey babe, I'd love to stay and chat but I have three sisters running around in this mall, when two should be in school and the other... is just a bad influence. Wanna help?"[/color] Tara was a bit surprised at this sudden onslaught of information, but was she really? After all that the Reese’s had been through, it shouldn’t come off as too much of a surprise that things were getting really hectic. The energetic female felt bad that she couldn’t do much for them. But, she brushed it off. She could at least give this bit of help to Riley. While he seemed aloof on the outside, he was probably about ready to either A) rip his siblings a new one or B) Cry rivers of tears. Okay that was a bit of an exaggeration, but still. She knew him well enough to know that he was quite frankly a damsel in distress at the moment. [color=0b5fbd]”I basically have no choice in the matter, but for a moment let’s pretend like I do. The answer to that question would be “sure”, and a shoulder shrug would probably accompany it.”[/color] Tara teased. [color=0b5fbd]”But in all seriousness, you’ll definitely need someone with actual muscle strength to back you up if things get hairy. Plus having a girl on your rescue team might help,”[/color]