[i]‘I always seem to make’[/i] [indent][i]’Things’[/i][/indent][indent][indent][i][b]’Worse’[/b][/i][/indent][/indent][hr] Kylie was munching on an triple cheeseburger with extra pickles and mustard, albeit very slowly. If there was one thing that her siblings could count on, it was that Kylie would be the last one to leave the dinner table (if she ate with them at all). She hadn't even gotten through a quarter of the burger, and they had been sitting here for at least 5 minutes. Worse yet, the redhead would still have to finish her fries and slurp down her hefty orange soda. Her sisters definitely couldn't be expecting to leave for at least another 30 minutes. [color=A9D0F5]"Kylie...um I want to change back into my clothes, can you hand me the bag please?"[/color] The eldest Reese at the table cocked her head and gave the teenager a look of sincere disappointment. She obviously didn't notice her sister's discomfort, especially since Zoey appeared to be quite happy with her new clothes. [color=salmon]"What the fuck, Ollie? No, I'm not gonna hand you the-"[/color] Suddenly, she stopped mid and her gaze went to behind Olivia's head, where she saw the quite familiar form of Riley by the fountain with the handicapped guy she'd seen earlier. He was a bit of a ways away, but Kylie could tell he was staring straight at them. No... there was more to it. Wait... Was he [i]laughing[/i] at them? [i]What was his problem?[/i] Assuming her prick of a brother was talking shit about her to that other guy, she flew from her chair, burger and soda in hand. She forgot all about her conversation with Olivia, locking onto her target. It was one thing to [i]follow[/i] her to the mall like some kind of creepy stalker, but it was another to talk shit about her. Kylie felt like she was being swamped by blind rage as she drew closer and closer, now in earshot. [color=Seagreen]"...and the other... is just a bad influence. Wanna help?"[/color] [i]'Bad influence?'[/i] . . . [b][i]'BAD INFLUENCE?!'[/i][/b] Riley had officially pissed off his twin sister. A sudden sense betrayal and hurt welled up inside her, spiraling down and fueling her anger. Prancing up to him in her booty shorts and tight fitting top, Kylie threw the cup of orange soda in his face, dosing him from head to waist. She wasn't done though. Her burger flew from her hand and slapped him across the face with three charbroiled, Angus beef patties. Lettuce, tomatoes, mustard, ketchup, and those extra pickles went everywhere. [color=salmon]"Fuck you, you piece of shit. You think I'm a [i]'bad influence'[/i]?! First you fucking [i]fire[/i] your own sister, and then you have the fucking nerve to hunt me down like some kind of animal?! I'm [i]so[/i] done with your punk ass."[/color] she seethed. How many times had she gotten angry at Riley today? It seemed like all he wanted to do today was make her suffer. Glancing around, she noticed the unfamiliar guy and Tara but paid them no mind. The whole area between the food court and the fountain was starting to gaze upon the scene unfurling around them. Practically growling, Kylie went back into it, verbally swinging wild. [color=salmon]"And who the hell is this crip, Riley? Your new boyfriend? I'm sure Claire would [i]love[/i] to hear about this. [i]Actually...[/i] Let me give her a call and tell her all about Peg Leg Stu over here."[/color] Irrationally, Kylie pulled out her phone, backed away a bit, and quickly dialed Claire's number, not thinking once about how Riley didn't know she had his girlfriend's digits. The twin had seen the number on her brother's phone the other week and copied it just in case she needed to harass someone for breaking his heart. With a smug expression on her face, she put the phone next to her ear, waiting for Claire to answer the phone. At this point, Kylie didn't care. Riley had crossed so many lines today and she was at her breaking point, completely blinded by spite. Impulse was the only friend she had in the world right now. [hr][i]'...And I can't seem to shake'[/i] [indent][i]'This'[/i][/indent][indent][indent][i][b]'Curse'[/b][/i][/indent][/indent] [sub][@lovely complex][@Snagglepuss89][@Knight of Doom][@Emma][@BilboTheGreat][@Themerlinhawk][@BlueAjah][/sub]