Sorry for the delay. I wanted to finish my character's portrait first before posting the whole thing (since everyone had a picture up). I didn't want to wait any longer and miss out on any perfect opportunities to introduce my character, if he's accepted. I put his bio behind a bunch of hiders to make it more digestible. If it becomes a nuisance, let me know and I'll break the bio out of them. Thanks for your consideration :) [hider=Fury's Character Sheet] [center] [img][/img] [color=D35339][h1]Fury[/h1] [h3][sup]Markus Lane[/sup][/h3][/color] [h3][sup][sup]29 | 2037-01-25 | 5’11”[/sup][/sup][/h3] [/center] [indent][h3][color=D35339]Appearance[/color][/h3] [indent]While not especially imposing with a lean musculature and only at five foot eleven, he carries an energy about him that makes him difficult to ignore whether he wants the attention or not. Some would describe him as striking with the dark brown hair and ice blue eyes that he was “blessed with.” Others find him more severe looking with his more angular facial features. Everyone agrees that he’s more friendly than terrifying whenever he smiles though. [/indent][/indent] [indent][h3][color=D35339]Personality[/color][/h3] [indent] [hider=Markus (Fury)] Ever since the event that turned Markus into who he is today, he has been quiet and focused. With his original self and his conditioned self warring against one another, he also comes across as guarded in all facets of his life. He’s slow to respond, going over it in his head several times to make sure it’s really him speaking or making the decision. He pulls a lot of his punches when he fights, always afraid that may be the one that causes him to lose control. His constant fear of losing control and his guardedness stems from his true personality. Compassionate, caring and optimistic, Markus would rather see the best in people and try to help them. Although he was taught well enough that his own survival and his own needs should take a higher priority than anyone else’s. After seeing the depravity humanity can achieve, Markus is far more hesitant to optimism now. He’s still caring and compassionate, but he’s more careful about who he feels this way towards. Trust is a rare commodity for Markus. [/hider] [hider=SP-2834]Ruthless, direct and impatient, SP-2834 is the culmination of Markus without his winning personality. The way SP-2834 carries himself make him seem more like a sentient AI killing machine rather than human. He’s a staunch believer that any problems can actually be fixed with a bullet or a blade through the vital organs. SP-2834 can’t be negotiated with and now without a master, can be incredibly dangerous to even his allies. SP-2834’s appearance is rare, only when Markus is weakened substantially enough and nears the C-Freak limit will SP-2834 show himself to the public. Otherwise, he can only interact with Markus through auditory hallucinations. [/hider] [/indent][/indent] [indent][h3][color=D35339]Biography[/color][/h3] [indent] [hider=Birth] Markus was conceived in Vauban Industries. Not through some steamy affair in the office, but in a lab within its R&D wing of the building. Their goal was simple, why augment the human species after the fact when it can be done from the very beginning? After numerous trial and error, they finally created a viable zygote. The tech for gestation outside of a woman’s body didn’t exist yet and they were short on time. Instead, they opened up recruitment for women and lured their interest with more money than they would know what to do with. After the screening process, weeding out those with disease or augmentations that could potentially disrupt the gestation process, they found Lane. An ex-Diver that retired just recently, living a moderately cozy life within the city. Lane was never interested in having kids, but the amount of money and benefits she would be compensated for was too good to pass up. It wasn’t until about four months in that Lane started having doubts. She knew what she was getting into when she signed the contract, but she never expected the emotional attachment that sometimes came with pregnancy. Hormonally driven or not, Lane grew less and less comfortable with the idea of this child, her child being subjected to experimentations just because Vauban Industries thought it could play God. As soon the opportunity showed itself--eight months into the pregnancy--she ran and hid in the slums where she gave birth to Markus. [/hider] [hider=Childhood] Markus started off as an optimistic and highly intelligent boy. He had a high energy about him that some found endearing while others found annoying. While living in the slums normally affect most people’s outlook on life, he rarely let it get to him. “It can’t get any worse than this,” he would often say. He lived with his single mother, an ex-Diver named Lane. She never hid the fact that they weren’t blood related, but she always made sure he knew it didn’t matter. She was still his mother. Markus never complained, having met a few orphans in the past he counted himself lucky just to have an adult willing to take care of him. Lane made sure he had everything he needed to survive out in the world. It was during these lessons when Markus started showing unusual signs of his origin. He picked up new topics faster than most kids his age, his hand-eye coordination was exceptional right out of the gate. At first, Lane grew concerned--worried that the corporation she stole Markus away from would find out. She tried to stop the lessons but Markus would simply find someone else to train him. Lane relented and continued the lessons but she took precautions to help manage the oddities. [/hider] [hider=Young Adult] Upon hearing the news that Lane was sick, Markus searched for jobs with many different corporations. NatAug Tech, a corporation specializing in creating natural looking augmentations hired him as a test subject. They had a new augmentation that they’ve worked on for the last couple of decades and had been in human trials for a few years. At first Markus was unsure if he wanted to be poked and prodded until they told him his compensation. It was more than enough to cover his mother’s medical bills and to get them out of the slums. Markus accepted without question. When Lane found out, she grew furious. Markus couldn’t understand why, what would be so wrong helping a corporation test new augmentations? Lane never offered any reasons and their relationship was strained as a result. Markus ended up seeing less and less of her over time until one day, they just stopped communicating. After weeks of waiting, it came day for Markus to receive the experimental augmentation. The integration process was one of the most excruciating experience Markus had to endure. He couldn’t even be put to sleep for it since they need to monitor how the device interacts with his body during integration. Markus was their eighth attempt to install this device on a natural human. It became a big surprise when he didn’t die from the integration like most of the others. He continued to surprise everyone when he was walking within a few days and his body started tapping into the augmentation’s potential a week after. Not too long after he started using his augmentation, he had his first psychotic break. The scientists had pushed Markus for days on end, granting him no rest and only food when it was clear his body needed it. They were only interested in discovering the actual upper limits of the augmentation. It was on the third day when Markus’s mind snapped. A handful of guards were caught in his psychotic rage, only a couple lived to talk about it. [/hider] [hider=Post-break] After seeing what the augmented Markus was capable of, NatAug’s parent corporation appropriated him, made him into a Spook. They didn’t trust him with all the augmentations Spooks were provided but the augmentation Markus already had meant he was still useful as a Spook regardless. No one expects a natural looking human to be able to lift a heavily armored vehicle over his head, for instance. Markus didn’t get a say in any of this. One minute he was sedated, the next he woke up and he wasn’t even himself anymore. The conditioning had forced Markus into the darkest corners of his mind, leaving only his experiences intact. He became a cold, calculating individual that the corporation can more easily manage and control. His loyalty came from an implant at the base of his skull. It’s designed to deliver enough electricity to drop him, but not kill him. Since then Markus, designated as SP-2834 was sent on the types of missions where hiding in plain sight as a natural human had a greater advantage. Markus was lost, a prisoner of his own body. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t regain control. After constant fighting, Markus resigned this fate. One day, SP-2834 was tasked with an assignment that piqued Markus’s interest. To his horror, he discovered the assignment was to find and assassinate Lane. As it turns out, the parent corporation was one of the major investors in Vauban Industries. Shortly after Lane stole Markus away, Vauban Industries folded. They had spent too much of their budget on the project that conceived Markus. The corporation wanted to set an example to other Divers of the dangers of breaking their contract. Corporations like them are old and they do not forget. [/hider] [hider=Loss] When SP-2834 stabbed Lane through the chest, severing the major arteries leading to her heart, Markus’s rage was too much for SP-2834 to keep at bay. He was able to take back control from SP-2834, but it was too late. Lane was already dead and the fact that she died thinking her own son killed her broke his heart. He swore right there and then he would avenge her and make those responsible to suffer greatly for it. Since then, Markus took on the handle Fury and worked as a Diver, accumulating the money and resources he needs to exact his revenge. All the while fighting back SP-2834’s constant attempts to steal control over his body. [/hider] [/indent][/indent] [indent][h3][color=D35339]Weapons[/color][/h3] [indent] [b]CQ Technologies WZ-1060[/b] - a wakizashi forged in high carbon steel (1060) and tipped with tungsten carbide for better edge retention. This was the blade SP-2834 used to murder Lane. Markus kept it for its twisted sentimental value and he plans to use it on those responsible for his mother’s death one day. [b]Drake Instruments AR-12C[/b] - an automatic carbine that fires 5.56x45mm ammunition, 45-round magazine. The weapon is capable of shooting in single shot, 3-round burst fire and full auto. This weapon was stolen off of the enforcer that was sent after Markus by a rival corporation of NatAug, before they found out Markus no longer worked for them. [/indent][/indent] [indent][h3][color=D35339]Skillset[/color][/h3] [indent] [list] [*] [b]Swordfighting[/b] was taught to SP-2834 as a specialization option. Markus grudgingly admits that it’s one of the few positive things SP-2834 has chosen. [*] [b]Firearms[/b] was part of the standard training for Spooks. SP-2834 leans towards pistols, but Markus prefers the versatility of an automatic rifle. [*] [b]Parkour[/b] was one of the many skills Lane taught Markus as a child. It’s one of the few skills he goes out of his way to maintain. [*] [b]CQC[/b] was taught both by Lane and by the corporation when Markus became SP-2834. While his CQC skill is adequate enough to give most augmented Enforcers, Divers and Spooks a run for their money, he still prefers using his sword. [/list] [/indent][/indent] [indent][h3][color=D35339]Augmentations[/color][/h3] [indent] The only augmentation Markus has is dubbed NA-1324. It is a flat disk that’s installed where the cervical and the thoracic spine meets. NA-1324 enhances Markus’s physical strength, speed, reflex and healing capabilities through the use of nanites. They either enhance his muscle’s potential or takes the place of granular tissue while it rebuilds the flesh. The nanites replicate themselves using Markus’s bone marrow. However, the longer NA-1324 is in continuous use, the likelier Markus may turn into a C-Freak. Worse, he has no say whether or not he wants to use the augmentation. If he tries to lift something heavier than normal or run faster than he’s normally capable of, the augmentation triggers. Need to dodge a bullet? NA-1324 activates. Got an open wound? NA-1324. Accelerated healing tends to increase the likelihood of a limit break due to the fact that it’s an ongoing process, rather than a burst. If Markus needs to heal, he takes time off. If he doesn’t have a choice, he’ll take Neurotop to mitigate the symptoms. He tries to keep those situations far and few in between. [/indent][/indent] [/hider] [hr] [b]Edit:[/b] Forgot to mention [@Hexaflexagon] :x