[b]Day 16, Midmorning[/b] [color=00a651]Edgar_Walther[/color] [@BlackPanther][@DestinyStar] [color=f7941d][i]Traumatized just about summed it up. Though it looked like she wouldn't be killing him any time soon for his honest mistake, but she wasn't likely to forget it anytime soon either.[/i] Well... smashing first day in town there Edgar, you got your ass kicked and then woke up groping a complete stranger... You do like your entrances but really? Was all that really necessary? What, you think I planned for all this? I just wanted to get some of the iron ore, which I still don't have, so I could advance my smithing skills. Well, that's not going to get done with you hiding under the bed, lets go. [i]Edgar checked the position of feet in the room and crawled out on the far side of the bed, just in case she felt any sudden violent urges... He considered making a bolt for the door and then just pretending none of it had ever happened... but he couldn't bring himself to just up and leave Reaper like that, the man had saved his life a few times over just yesterday. Edgar owed him big time, so he stood slowly and stretched his sore muscles popping a few loose joints. Turning to face the other two players in the room he sheepishly introduced himself.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]"Hi, sorry about that. I'm Edgar. And uh, you kinda fell into the party last night. He patched you up awhile I dealt with a ... loose end, and then... actually I don't remember what happened next, until this morning. What did happen out there Reaper?"[/color]