[h3][center][color=9db0ee]Vince Freaking the Fuck Out[/color][/center][/h3] Spencer informed Vince there was no need to get hot and bothered, and he grimaced. That wasn't the worst thing he had been called, but it was a new one. Chroma started speaking through the earpiece, and instinctively Vince raised his hand to his ear, and pushed the piece closer so he could hear better. He was informed there was a master, and Blackout in the area, along with the villain who had destroyed the vault. Chroma started describing the Master before his words started slurring and he stuttered out incoherent gibberish.  After a slight pause Vince sprinted towards the way of the vault. His fire quickly started spinning around his body, burning off his clothes and creating a striking figure. An X shape enveloped his back and chest, the lines on his body glowing bright like magma. The floating fire was also gently laced around his legs, though the heat was all directed at his body. The only bit of clothes that weren't burned off were his boxers, luckily. They were obviously tinker made to be heat resistant, and they were the a deep black. As he grew warmer his skin grew tougher and tougher. No upper limit had been reached as far as his resilience to heat ratio, though he could only get himself so hot. Vince scanned the halls as he ran, arriving in the vault just as he heard Chroma say, [color=662d91]"Not today,"[/color] and he had to smile. Chroma was very. . . Serious? That wasn't the right word. Cliche! That was it. Vince gave himself a mental pat on the back for remembering the word, before crossing to the exit of the vault, his fire swirling around him dangerously. [center][color=yellow][h3]Blackout Bank Alley[/h3][/color][/center] As Blackout slid he saw Chroma lob paint at him, and was thankful the man was distracted. The paint sailed over his head, a little behind him, letting Blackout get close enough to disable Chroma's power. A small smile graced his face, and he whispered, "Bye," right before Chroma left his range. Blackout pointed the gun at Chroma, and steadied it, but the man flew backwards suddenly, with something on top of him. No one was there. . . No Serephina had been there. She had made her play, and as her invisibility faded momentarily he saw her tumble over Chroma and slide into the wall. She was now thoroughly coated with paint, though Blackout soon forgot about her as her power activated again.  Then Blackout wanted to die. The feeling of knives stabbing him, and needles entering his arm enveloped his senses before he appeared in the van. He was panting, and fell to his knees, not a drop of blood on him. The armored veteran-looking man from before was standing in front of him. Blackout stopped screaming when he noticed he was, and fell over. Drho in the van would only see the man with body armor stand up, before disappearing, and reappearing immediately with Blackout in his arms. Gael wouldn't see this so much as sense this. The man didn't so much as glance at Drho before disappearing again. Inside the van was the same glasses clad man from before, who glanced up to look at Drho. He smiled slightly, his skin taut over every inch of exposed skin. The man clearly had poor eating habits, and it was showing quite clearly. His pale skin seemed paper thin, though he didn't seem uncomfortable in the least. He suddenly stood up, and walked to the open door of the van, motioning Drho to follow. He waved to Gael, and spoke loudly to him. [color=gray]"Hello Nightfall, Drho, I'm Seth,and I'll be your precog,"[/color] He said simply, his voice a bit too high pitched for his gender. [color=gray]"Take a seat. The man who just about killed Blackout will be back shortly. His cape name is Greed, a teleporter who, understandably, hates his power. It makes you feel a very intense pain. He's currently looking for Serephina,"[/color]  As Seth spoke, Greed was doing just that. Greed was right next to where he had previously seen Serephina, ignoring Chroma. Any attempt at attacking Greed would be answered by a wordless teleport before he returned to searching. Every teleport admittedly took a bit more out of him, but the forty year old man had dealt with much worse.  [color=00a651]"It's time to leave, Serephina. If you don't wanna die. . ."[/color] He called out, his voice the exact opposite of Seth's; Gruff, manly, and all business. It clearly wasn't a threat, but he did want to hurry this up. Greed could tell; Vince had arrived, the smoke leaking out of the vault was a very clear indicator, and fire started to leak out as well as Vince exited, and teleporting didn't work if you were surrounded by fire. Or were in fire.