[center][h1]0 - 100 A.E[/h1] [h2]Liberation[/h2][/center] As the Prometheans were driven from the city, the Regulii celebrated and cheered. For 4 days and nights, they would engage in perhaps the loudest, raunchiest party the world had ever seen. Dancers filled the streets as promiscuous parties and drunken orgies line every room, even the royalty and the nobility had engage in such wild behavior leading to some very lewd stories about several princesses and noblewomen that would echo for years to come (not that it wasn't exactly abnormal behavior). Such rapturous festivities would become the basis of a new religious holiday for the Regulii, the famous [i]Primitus Noctus[/i]. Of course once the celebrations had died down, the people of Ilitscium realized that partying all the time would not do them any good. As the Prometheans left, they realized that with them had left many things that they had once provided, namely a military force of some degree. Pirates who had once feared the might of the ape-men never dared wander to close to Regulii shores but with the primary threat gone, pirate attacks and sea raiders once again stroke fear into many. But this is where the Regulii's collective Noblilis proved its worth as through the myriad of ideas that had been thrown around, they had created a new weapon to combat the ocean-born raiders: the Elijur. The Eligur was a simple combination of two weapons which the Regulii had found worth during ship-to-ship combat; a short spear combined with an axe head on the end was discovered to be both proficient at preventing boardings and in melee combat. Such a weapon was revered by the Regulii "Ocean Guard" who would also act as a land force by the century's end. The Elijur wasn't the only thing which had been produced out of the holy Noblilis. With the many minds of the Regulii put together, they had formed the basis of many building ideas including styles and supports. After several years of experimenting and mental debates, the Regulii managed to come up with a way of creating a stable (if not slightly shaky) method of reliably creating two story buildings with attempting at making more floors. The various pillars and supports used in buildings also found their way to ship makers who integrated the new supports with that of existing ship designs allowing for larger ships to be built. Perfect for the growing number of Regulii maritime merchants and the Ocean Guard that had protected them. [hr] [center][h1]Major Events of the Regulii - 1st Century[/h1][/center] [b]Cultural: [/b] Establishment of the "Primitius Noctus" religious festival [b]Technological: [/b] Advances in ship building and multi-floor construction [b]Military: [/b] Establishment of the Ocean Guard for both naval and land military units Creation of the "Elijur" weapon [b]Government Changes:[/b] None were made at this time. [b]Territorial Expansion:[/b] None were made at this time.