[hider=Appearance] [img]http://img06.deviantart.net/4909/i/2011/095/2/5/aerie___the_awariel__s_angel_by_elistraie-d3d9fy6.jpg[/img] [/hider] Character Concept: Lesbian Winged Elf who flirts with all the pretty girls. Name: Gabriella Hawkwing Gender: Woman Background: Before she died, Luna was a mute woman with many friends, most of whom were female. She loved to smoke weed, drink and get laid. While in bed with a woman she'd met on the streets, she felt a knife pierce her heart. With a look of anger, she punched the woman, using the knife to slash the woman's throat before dying of blood loss. It was then she began the rather strange and interesting reincarnation process. Level: 1 Class: Psionisist Archer Race: Avariel (Winged Elf) Attribute: Focus Gift: Psionics (though it acts more like Thaumaturgy) 1: Move Object - She can move and throw small objects (such as an apple or a dagger) with her mind. 2: Combat Mind - She has a clear understanding of where her allies and enemies are at all times during a battle. 3: Telepathy - She is able to view the surface thoughts of any 1 being at a time though it takes complete focus. Equipment: A toga. -[FINALIZE]-