I suppose I should write stats for the following: [u]Ultra Rapid Launcher, Grenade Machine Gun, 30mm.[/u] -A sawed-off and re-bored LBU-3 3-barrel gatling-HMG. Capable of firing smoke, flares, incendiary, APERS (~40 flechettes each), and HEDP at a blistering rate of 15 grenades [i]per second[/i] ([i][u]or 420 flechettes per second[/u][/i]) with a [i]theoretical[/i] capability of penetrating a FRAME with HEDP (45mm penetration), problems with accuracy, and relatively slow projectiles makes dodging these outside of 300 meters pretty easy (with flechettes becoming almost useless outside of 150m). Using dual-feed and the ability to feed from either end of each drum allows for using up to four ammunition-types (50 shells of each type). Max volley-range is only 800 meters. [u]If you've played arty in WoT... [i]flight-time is like that[/i][/u]. -Minimum range of all shells to arm besides APERS is 40 meters. [u]Silenced NNU-10 22mm Medium-velocity Autocannon.[/u] -It's an NNU-10 with a semi-truck muffler fitted. [u]MG-27 with bipod and shoulder-stock[/u] Pretty much a FRAME CIWS modded into an infantry machine-gun.