[h1][center]O-100 A.E; The Dawn of the Young King[/center][/h1] As passed down by word of mouth, the history of the Soun'yei civilization began humbly. Once slaves of the master race, the Prometheans, now free to live as they pleased. As a generation that only knew captivity within barricaded coves the means of survival were unknown. The first action they took, unsurprisingly, was to swim as far away as they could get. Fear was still something they all knew well and getting away as fast as possible was a priority. However along the way, the learned the basics of what would be required to survive out in the open ocean. No longer were they thrown the scraps and food waste of the Prometheans, if they wanted to eat, they had to hunt for it. It was easy to sit in coves and chase after small fish, but there were many mouths to feed--soon spears were developed, tying sharp weathered rocks on the ends of broken off branches found on coasts and floating in the sea. Coupled with echolocation, these omnivores learned to hunt larger game such as small whales and large fish. By far, the best hunter was a young male named Ru'taikaini. His ability to hunt and provide for his people moved him into the role of a leader. By time the docile creatures determined that they were far enough away from the fallen civilization of prometheans, they decided to set up home. By now, Ru'taikaini had married. They took up residence in underwater caves and shallow, sandy coves. This peaceful race luckily did not experience war within their first century of existent. Solely peace and learning. By the end of the first century, Ru'taikaini had sired 4 children--all of which had perished. His first child--a son, was stillborn. His second child, a daughter, was born with her birth cord around her neck. The third child, yet another daughter, lived for a short period of time but died of illness a week later and the fourth child, a son, was stolen. After losing his fourth--assumedly [i]healthy[/i] child to theft, the beginnings of law were implemented. Implementing laws were also motivated by the ferocity of the females--if their children were stolen, a murderous rampage could be inflicted upon another person--wheter they were guilty or not. Through the century, these rampages lowered the amount of females and children born within the species. Thievery--especially of children, would be punished by death. This species, motivated by fear of the unknown developed scout out posts along the entrance to their safe haven. These posts are fairly far away, so the four scouts and their entire families moved outwards. One of these scouts, a female who went by the name of Cas soon became a military leader. She decided that they not only needed to see the enemy coming but needed a way to defend against enemies as well. Armies have been developed within the last 4 years, but no weapon advancements have been made. Only strategies and sharper spears. Religion became prevalent during this century as well. Many noticed that higher survival rate of children born beneath the two moons--when exactly these moons became Gods, are unknown. They did away with the original names of the two moons, as dubbed by the Prometheans. Naming one moon Bas and the other Leacoup--hence the name of their growing city. These creatures became familiar with the sea, but land itself had yet to be explored. Initially, food sacrifices to the Moon God Bas were made by placing food on the sandy shores of the cove before nightfall. In the morning when they returned, the food was gone and paw prints were left in it's place. It was speculated that the God Bas had the spiritual form of a four legged creature, one that was utilized whenever he came down to the land to feast on their offerings. It was Ru'taikaini who discovered that the food offerings were being eaten, not by their God in a spiritual animal form, but some sort of four legged canine like creature. He denounced their poorly constructed religion--this rejection was particularly fueled by the loss of yet another child, this time beneath the moon. However the majority of his people still worshiped the Moon God Bas and the four legged canine creature was worshiped as well.They told their ruler that he had been blessed, that he was now holy for being the first to lay his eyes on their God's spiritual form. [hr] [u][color=00a99d]Major Events of the Soun'yei - 1st Century[/color][/u] [color=00a99d]Cultural:[/color] Religion. The Soun'yei renemaed the two moons Leacoup and Bas and now worship a canine creature that they believe to be Bas' spiritual form. The skill of a hunter is now recognized by the amount of fishbones they wear. Birth rates and the amount of females drop significantly. [color=00a99d]Technological:[/color] Spears were developed. [color=00a99d]Military:[/color] An army was developed, spent four years developing strategy but have made no weapon advancements. Scouts were also established. [color=00a99d]Government Changes:[/color] Ru'taikaini, a talented hunter, becomes the young king at the age of 125. [hr] [img]http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w627/rose0621/MAP2_zpsho9oquas.jpg[/img] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/9429076/large.gif[/img]