--In Orbit-- Yamok's fighter was now being pursued by 6 TIE's in formation, his ship rocked a little, thanks to the broken wing. Green blasts flew past his cockpit. He cursed the navicomputer as it tried desperately to find a trajectory for hyperspace that wouldn't fly them into a sun. "Damn thing." He then saw red flashes behind him, looking out of the window, he saw the Capital ship arrive. "Reinforcements? A little quick." he muttered. He then turned sharply, headed for the capital ship. It was then that the X-Wing was hit by another bolt of TIE cannon fire. "This is Defenser 1 of Defenser Squadron, we've taken losses and I require an emergency landing." he said. He then pressed a button on his console to send the "Reinforcements" signal to the other Defenser's. His console then exploded in front of him, sending sparks and shattered glass into one of his eyes. "AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" he screamed as the Fighter headed to the Capital Ship's hangar-bay. The Burning ship shot through the oxygen field and crashed into the Crash-net, catching it as the fire-control droids began to swarm the craft, putting out fires, all over the craft. --Outskirts of the capital-- Several of the local Fauna watched bent down to eat the grass, before their morning was shattered by the roar of engines. A pair X-Wings shot overhead, only a few meters above the ground. The TIE's would find it difficult to get a clear shot at them from their low altitude. Marlow's mental attacks helped keep the TIE's pilots from firing anywhere near them. "We're not going to be able to keep this up much longer." Umak dodged around a small hill, as a hail of blaster-fire leveled it. "I disagree." replied Umak. The dashboard began flashing. "You getting this?" he asked. "Reinforcements already?" Marlow asked. "Yamok was fast. Alright, we'll do a fly-over of the city and see if we can't get some of those bastards to follow us." she said. "Roger." replied Umak. The Fighters accelerated rapidly to max speed and headed straight for the capital, Fighters swarmed overhead, but they quickly changed to intercept the bogies headed in at breakneck speed. Umak was able to pick several of them off before they shot over the capital. In the streets bellow, Kalami and her small group witnessed the flyby. She smiled as she looked up and saw the Black X-wings, now being pursued by 10 Fighters that screamed after them. The X-Wings hailed blaster-fire at several lander-craft and TIE's before they rocketted skywards. Kalami saluted them before continuing her assault towards the palace.