Bellasiel had awoken long before Arthal had called them to get ready and eat, it was unfortunate that she hadn't heard a word of it as she had been tuning out everything around her. Her eyes closed, her arms completely relaxed onto crossed legs as she let herself drifted into deep meditation. Usually, she would be connecting to the God Tree but since it was in another realm that would have been an impossible feet but it didn't mean that it couldn't help her center and focus for the journey ahead. She didn't know where they were going since she was away from the others but it didn't matter as long as they were able to collect the piece safely. Her eyes slowly opened as she continued to sit still for a moment to get her bearings, adjusting to the sound that came flooding in and the shuffling of others outside the door.Bellasiel stood, grabbing her pack before exiting her choosing room as the last person left what she believed was the kitchen and followed after. She waited as they entered the portal before entering herself, finding a land she had never been to before.