[img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nAloClunxm0/U7b6GqVONMI/AAAAAAAAA0Y/TlnHo88OGPw/s1600/Mp_angel_city_widescreen.jpg[/img] [b]The year is 2067 and a lot has changed from the first half of the century.[/b] Many of these changes have been brought about by the advancements in technology and computers. In 2020 war broke out in the Middle East after many years of civil war between factions struggling for control. What sparked the war were nuclear strikes on Russia and Europe throwing the world into chaos as alliances were made, forces were assembled, and a war like never before ensued. For five years the war went on until Japan, Europe, and The United States signed a treaty that also merged their theologies research allowing the formation of Soldier Assisted Implants (SAI) and the Robotic Soldier. These, once incorporated into the fight, tipped the scales ending the war. The years that followed saw a worldwide depression for government powers. During the war many of the governments ordered hundreds and even thousands of the SAI and Robotic Soldiers, which after the war bankrupted many of them. The Tech Conglomerate was smart and foresaw this turn of events, there by passing that they become and Independent Corporation from the governments they worked for. In 2029 the conglomerate known as WTC Development owned a great many Multi-National Corporations that range from production of assets and resources, to Private Security groups. With this they began to privatize the police force making it mandatory to be outfitted with the latest Net Gear. When it started it was just a way to monitor the vitals and overall health of all the officers, but rapidly grew to have many other monitory functions. Robotic Soldiers were being used with the police forces, controlled by a handler via their Net Gear. With these major advancements came the luxury devices and systems, Professional/Recreational Robots, Net Gear Industrial Vehicles, and a great deal of other things. All of this technology did not go without drawbacks; glitches, Neural Overloads, Memory Wipes, over heating… these were but a few of the tragedies that came to first and even second gen users. The worst of it though was the people who chose to exploit the systems and cause their own kind of trouble. With the growing size of interconnected and merging systems the ability to track this new breed of emerging hackers was near impossible. Even with the new advances in security programs, and tracers these people were always evading justice. Different governments tried to combat these problems on their own at first with the gear and tech provided to them by the WTC, but they were always one if not a few steps behind these shadow users. In 2048, out of options and in debt, the bankrupt governments made treaty deals with the WTC to use their advanced and often experimental techniques to try and terminate the problems. This treaty allowed WTC to buy up a large amount of Multi-National companies and Resource Assets, once controlled by the UN and Governments. Using their newly bought military contractor assets from around the world, to find best and brightest WTC created Special Forces Teams from agencies like Titanium Security, Sentinel Contractors, and Alamo Scouts and issued them to each country in order to track down and persecute the abusers of the system. By 2055 these groups were being called Crash Squads, and now in 2067 they have brought major Cyber Crimes to a minimum. [center][h2]Rules[/h2][/center] [indent]- Standard RPGuild rules - All characters and actions not agreed as legal by the GM must be changed to fit the terms. - keep OOC talk out of the IC thread. - No arguing in the OOC thread. It degrades the overall mood and appearance of the RP. - If you have any questions or concerns about plot, characters, posts, ect... don't be afraid to ask. - If you think you have an idea for the plot of the RP please let me know, I can't be expected to please everyone's interest so your opinions are welcome. - Three strikes warning system. If I am alerted to any kind of behavior that is not permitted you will receive a PM (Strike 1). If you continue you will get a public (OOC) warning (Strike 2). If you still continue to act out you will be given leave for however long I see fit, and your character will be droned by the group until your return. (Strike 3) anything after that and you will be kicked from the group permanently and I will take over your character. - ZERO HARASSMENT. If I am alerted to anyone who is harassing another player directly, weather in PM, OOC, or IC, I [u][i][b]will[/b][/i][/u] review this claim. If it checks out Mods will be notified and you will be immediately ejected from the RP.[/indent] [center][h2][u][b]Character Sheet[/b][/u][/h2] I want to leave room for you all to add what you may need so I will just put the basics. Feel free to add categories to the sheet. All characters are subject to review and revision. Name: Enhanced Human[u][i][b] or [/b][/i][/u]Cyborg Age: (20-35) Appearance: Weapons: standard issue CCU R-Charge Handgun Gear: Main Skill: (Explain what it is and how you would use it.) Pre-Team Bio: (No one can be part of the original formation of the team, that was 20 years ago and agents are retired after 10 years of service, or given leave offers.) Personality: (optional) ---___---___---___--- [h2]Home Base[/h2] Sentinel Contractors, US [h2]Team[/h2] Each character can apply for whatever position they want to play in the team, but there will not be any guaranties that you will get the spot you want. I fully intend to run a screening process for the characters, so best fits get the spot. please choose two positions for the screening process. Overly done/qualified characters will be subject to revision. (No you can't just have a character that taught his boot camp instructor because he was that good as a leader.) [b]Leader:[/b](selected by best candidate) You are solely responsible for the actions of your team. You will coordinate with your group to make sure they are operating appropriately and with maximum efficiency. Remember Communication and Delegation are key to a successful operation and investigation. [b]Recon:[/b] You are the teams eyes and ears when they can't be. You will be providing them with tactical information in the heat of battle and information about upcoming areas. You will more than likely be charged with learning the lay of the land before the team gets there as to find the best ways to get around, vantage points, and just general information of who/what you will be going to. [b]Enforcer:[/b] You are the main muscle of the group, your abilities in combat are far superior to the rest which makes you the fall back guy. Mainly in the field as security you will also be providing the extra push on difficult clients if needed. Your job is to first maintain the safety of the group. [b]Tech Expert:[/b] The Technology Expert is pretty much the computer geek of the group. This doesn't mean you can't kick butt, it means that you will be the person they look to when files are locked, cameras are watching, and systems need opened. There will be times that your presence is needed on the field, but also times where you will assist the Recon in team logistics or just some remote controlling for the team. [/center]