The smell of weed... [i][color=seagreen]"I'm going to kill you Kylie..."[/color][/i] Officer... [color=purple]"...Are you related to these two young ladies?”[/color] Runaway Zoey... [i][color=seagreen]"Why the fuck are you running away while a cop is around!?"[/color][/i] Crying Olivia... [color=A9D0F5]“I just want mom, and dad.”[/color] Somehow, this morning kept getting worse. Within seconds, not hours, SECONDS. How was his family even capable of doing that? He didn't push his crying sister away from him even though she was just making a mess out of herself. The young girl added tears to his orange soda and burger wardrobe but having her beside him gave Riley comfort. In the midst of chaos, Olivia made things better for him. She was very much like their mother, filled with too much heart for her own good but that was what he needed to face this challenge. Riley was going to talk to this man of authority as himself: completely real. Though, the mentioning of their late parents did sting a little. Looking down at his sister, before answering the officer, he mouthed, [color=seagreen]"I love you."[/color] And then looked up at the other man. If they were let off the hook, he'd probably clean himself up in the family restroom and buy new clothes for him and his sisters... well, assuming the other two didn't leave. Maybe after all this and they were cleaned up, he could take Olivia wherever she wanted to go. A big brother, little sister date. That sounded nice. Plus, he didn't want her to brood on negative thoughts. Anything to keep her happy would make him feel better. His deep, blue eyes looked into the other man's gaze and the twin's expression was calm and collected. It was as if a switch went off in Riley the moment Olivia's tears came into the picture. [color=seagreen]"Yes, Deputy Richman. My name is Riley Reese and I'm the older brother of..."[/color] he gestured to the terrified tiny girl hugging him, [color=seagreen]"Olivia Reese."[/color] Followed by him staring at the girl escaping to his twin, [color=seagreen]"Zoey Reese."[/color] [color=seagreen]"And the girl who looks like me is Kylie Reese."[/color] He added. Taking a deep breath in and out, he brought his sister closer to him. It was obvious he was protective over them and didn't want this to ruin their family. Since Olivia had already dropped the bomb of their dead parents, Rye continued, [color=seagreen]"Our parents died not too long ago... we're still figuring out how to cope, I guess. I'm really sorry for the disturbance. I'll make sure it won't happen again."[/color] [@Themerlinhawk][@Emma] [hr]Things were getting hectic, busy, and overall unpleasant for the mother. She hated crowds and the group of teens weren't making the food court worth staying at. Watching the red haired boy puke just made Nana think of Jude being older and with a ton of lady drama. Hopefully the mother could raise her son to be a respectable gentleman. She didn't know what was going on in the red haired boy's life but the mere fact that he looked like a mess and now was talking to Deputy Richman... This was definitely the time for Nana and Jude to make their leave. Plus, Jude's nap time was approaching and she wanted to get him home a little bit earlier so he could have some playtime. Ah, how a nap sounded wonderful right now. Jude ate two nuggets before he got filled (she knew he wasn't extremely hungry). Taking out some baby wipes, the mother cleaned up her son and packed the rest of the things away. Standing up, she noticed Jude stare at Jerry one last time before they were on their way. Approaching the other group of people that were involved in the mess to get to the side door passed the fountain, Nana heard a ripping sound of her bag... oh god. Her strap ripped off and some of her belongings fell to the floor. [color=palegreen]"Mommy, you need a new bag."[/color] The boy chased the rolling chapstick that hit the shoe of a... caned man. The caned man was standing next to a woman with vibrant, red eyes. [color=palegreen]"Are you okay Mister? Did you fall down?"[/color] The little boy examined the man's cane and then the man himself. Nana's eyes widened and brought her attention to her son, near immediately, [color=seagreen]"JUDE."[/color] The child sighed, [color=palegreen]"I know mommy. Talking to new people by myself is bad. But look, a vampire!"[/color] He pointed to the woman with red eyes, obviously enjoying the new strangers' attributes. Quickly stuffing the things on the floor in her shopping bag, Nana stood up and grabbed her son's hand. Bringing him closer to her and meeting her exotic, green eyes with the strangers, the mother apologized, [color=seagreen] "S-sorry for my kid."[/color] She didn't realize that her drivers license was laying on the ground beside the male. Not wanting to deal with the mall anymore or the group of people that surrounded her...Nana's nervousness grew expeditiously, especially with the emotional red haired twin behind her. [color=seagreen]"Um, if you'll excuse us..."[/color] The drained woman dismissed herself. [color=palegreen]"I hope you get better Mister! and don't drink my blood Miss Vampire."[/color] With a grin, the boy waved at the strangers as they walked away... Nana picked up her pace... [@Knight of Doom][@Snagglepuss89][@BilboTheGreat][@Viciousmarrow]